Saturday, 28 July 2012

War Voyeurs: Israeli tourists watch Syria battles from safe distance

War Voyeurs: Israeli tourists watch Syria battles from 
safe distance (pelancong Israel menonton pertempuran Syria dari jarak yang selamat)

1WC’sChannel REVIEW 20112:  (2 hours ago) Armed with binoculars and cameras, tourists in Israel are flocking to the Golan Heights in the hope of seeing the bloody conflict in neighboring Syria, sparking a trend among tour operators. (TINJAUAN 1WC'sChannel 20112: (2 jam lalu) Berbekalkan teropong dan kamera, pelancong di Israel lebih tertarik ke Bukit Golan dengan harapan melihat konflik jiran berdarah di Syria, mencetuskan trend di kalangan pengusaha pelancongan).

Israelis look from an Israeli army post near the village of Buqaata in the Golan Heights at the nearby Syrian village of Jebata al-Khashab (AFP Photo / Menahem Kahana)

1WC'sChannel REVIEW 2012: Israelis look from an Israeli army post near the village of Buqaata in the Golan Heights at the nearby Syrian village of Jebata al-Khashab (TINJAUAN 1WC'sChannel 2012: Israel melihat daripada pos tentera Israel berhampiran kampung Buqaata di Dataran Tinggi Golan di kampung berhampiran Syria Jebata al-Khashab (AFP Photo/Menahem Kahana)

War voyeurs: pelancong Israel menonton pertempuran Syria dari jarak yang selamat

Berbekalkan teropong dan kamera, pelancong di Israel lebih tertarik ke Bukit Golan dengan harapan melihat konflik berdarah di Syria jiran, mencetuskan trend di kalangan pengusaha pelancongan. Di hari ini dan usia, menyaksikan ikan paus nampaknya hanyalah tidak potong mana-mana lagi.

Ia jauh lebih menghiburkan untuk menonton bom jiran-jiran anda dan menembak daylights yang tinggal di antara satu sama lain - dari jarak selamat, berkata, Golan Heights. , Nampaknya, ini adalah kegilaan terbaru di kalangan Israel, yang berduyun-duyun ke mata pandang berhampiran sempadan dengan Syria di negara ini untuk memerhatikan pertempuran berterusan, mengikut Times Israel.

Berbekalkan teropong dan kamera, berduyun-duyun pelancong Israel dan lain-lain telah dilihat menuju ke Bukit Golan. Peminat tindakan Live berharap untuk melihat kelibat pertempuran ganas, yang telah semakin meningkat dalam konflik Syria 17 bulan.

War voyeurs: Israeli tourists watch Syria battles 
from safe distance

1WC'sChannel REVIEW 2012: Israelis look from an Israeli army post near the village of Buqaata in the Golan Heights at the nearby Syrian village of Jebata al-Khashab (AFP Photo / Menahem Kahana)

Armed with binoculars and cameras, tourists in Israel are flocking to the Golan Heights in the hope of seeing the bloody conflict in neighboring Syria, sparking a trend among tour operators. In this day and age, whale watching apparently just doesn’t cut it any longer.

It’s far more entertaining to watch your neighbors bomb and shoot the living daylights out of each other - from the safe distance of, say,  the Golan Heights. This is, apparently, the latest craze among Israelis, who flock to vantage points near the country’s border with Syria to observe the ongoing clashes, according to the Times of Israel.

Armed with binoculars and cameras, throngs of Israeli and other tourists have been seen heading to Golan Heights. Live action enthusiasts were hoping to catch a glimpse of the savage fighting, which have been steadily increasing in the 17-month Syrian conflict.

Families use binoculars as they watch from the hill village of Buqaata in the Golan Heights the smoke rising from the nearby Syrian village of Jebata al-Khashab (AFP Photo/Jalaa Marey)
Families use binoculars as they watch from the hill village of Buqaata in the Golan Heights the smoke rising from the nearby Syrian village of Jebata al-Khashab (Para keluarga menggunakan teropong kerana mereka menonton dari kampung bukit Buqaata di Golan Heights asap naik dari kampung berhampiran Syria Jebata al-Khashab) (AFP Photo/Jalaa Marey)

Para keluarga menggunakan teropong kerana mereka menonton dari kampung bukit Buqaata di Golan Heights asap naik dari kampung berhampiran Syria Jebata al-Khashab (AFP Photo/Jalaa Marey) Tetapi jarak, nampaknya, adalah terlalu besar untuk mendapatkan penjelasanskop pembunuhan beramai-ramai, jadi para penonton terpaksa berpuas hati dengan bunyi tembakan dan letupan.

Trend secara tidak sengaja dimulakan oleh Menteri Pertahanan Israel, Ehud Barak, yang melawat Bukit Golan untuk menilai tahap bahaya kepada Israel IDF dari konflik yang berlaku di Syria. Imej siaran menteri di TV seolah-olah telah mencetuskan tindak balas yang tidak dijangka di kalangan kedua-dua Israel dan pelawat yang datang ke negara ini.

Malah, seri konflik adalah begitu besar bahawa pengusaha pelancongan dilaporkan memikirkan meletakkan konflik-memerhati Syria pada senarai jadual perjalanan disediakan. Mereka yang paling prihatin tentang situasi muncul sebagai pasukan keselamatan Israel, yang mengatakan yang mereka lakukan yang terbaik untuk menyimpan perang-pemerhati jauh daripada pemasangan tentera sensitif di sepanjang sempadan Israel-Syria.

Families use binoculars as they watch from the hill village of Buqaata in the Golan Heights the smoke rising from the nearby Syrian village of Jebata al-Khashab (AFP Photo/Jalaa Marey) But the distance, apparently, is far too great to get a full scope of the carnage, so the spectators have to be content with the sounds of gunfire and explosions.

The trend was unwittingly started by Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak, who visited the Golan Heights to assess the level of danger to Israel’s IDF from the conflict in Syria. Images of the minister broadcast on TV seem to have triggered an unexpected reaction among both Israelis and visitors to the country.

In fact, the draw of the conflict is so great that tour operators are reportedly thinking about putting Syrian conflict-watching on the list of available itineraries.  Those most concerned about the situation appear to be Israeli security forces, who say they’re doing their best to keep the war-watchers away from sensitive army installations along the Israeli-Syrian border.

Seen from the hill village of Buqaata in the Golan Heights, smoke ascends from the Syrian village of Jebata al-Khashab (AFP Photo/Menahe Kahana)
Seen from the hill village of Buqaata in the Golan Heights, smoke ascends from the Syrian village of Jebata al-Khashab (Dilihat dari kampung bukit Buqaata, di Dataran Tinggi Golan, asap naik dari kampung Syria Jebata al-Khashab) (AFP Photo/Menahe Kahana)

A road sign shows the different distances to Jerusalem, Baghdad, Damascus and other locations at an army post in Mount Bental near Kibutz Merom Golan in the Golan Heights (AFP Photo/Menahe Kahana)
A road sign shows the different distances to Jerusalem, Baghdad, Damascus and other locations at an army post in Mount Bental near Kibutz Merom Golan in the Golan Heights (Tanda jalan menunjukkan jarak yang berbeza ke Baitulmuqaddis, Baghdad, Damsyik dan lokasi lain di pos tentera di Gunung Bental berhampiran Kibutz Merom Golan di Golan Heights) (AFP Photo/Menahe Kahana)

A Druze man uses binoculars as he looks towards Syria from part of an abandoned military outpost near the Druze village of Buqaata in the Golan Heights (REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun)
A Druze man uses binoculars as he looks towards Syria from part of an abandoned military outpost near the Druze village of Buqaata in the Golan Heights (Seorang lelaki Druze menggunakan teropong kerana dia kelihatan ke arah Syria daripada sebahagian daripada kota kara ditinggalkan tentera berhampiran kampung Druze daripada Buqaata dalam Golan Heights) (REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun)

REUTERS / Ronen Zvulun
REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun

REUTERS / Ronen Zvulun
REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun

People are seen through a camouflage net as they look towards Syria from part of an abandoned military outpost near the Druze village of Buqaata (REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun)
People are seen through a camouflage net as they look towards Syria from part of an abandoned military outpost near the Druze village of Buqaata (Orang ramai dilihat melalui penyamaran bersih kerana mereka melihat ke arah Syria daripada sebahagian daripada kota kara yang telah ditinggalkan tentera berhampiran perkampungan itu Druze Buqaata) (REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun)

Awake Yourself 2012: REMEMBER ‘Don't let yourself left by the Train' . . .

Beberapa Minit yg Pertama Perang DUNIA III
Di lihat Seperti 2012-2013 . . .

Bertentangan dengan pemikiran konvensional, yang mencadangkan bahawa serangan ke atas Iran akan dihadkan hanya kepada negara itu dan kemenangan mudah untuk kuasa-kuasa Barat yang serupa dengan Perang Teluk pertama, John Galt Paints gambaran yang sangat berbeza Bagaimana Iran akan Menang Perang terhadap Israel dan Amerika Syarikat pada Satu jam:

Dalam kurang daripada 60 minit, negara kecil Iran dengan mudah boleh mengalahkan 2 kuasa tentera yang terkuat di DUNIA jika mereka dibenarkan untuk melibatkan diri dalam peluang mogok pertama terhadap kedua-dua negara-negara. Ini tidak sedikit idea yg dibuat-buat sebagai perancang tentera Amerika Syarikat dan Israel sedar implikasi serangan Iran yang menangkap kedua-dua negara tidak bersedia. Masalahnya bukan salah satu strategi atau keupayaan oleh negara sama ada. Unit-unit tentera kedua-dua negara dengan mudah boleh mengalahkan Iran dalam perang nuklear atau konvensional. Bagaimanapun, Iran tidak konvensional negara-bangsa mahupun konsep moden yang terpakai kepada konfrontasi yang akan datang.

Jika Iran untuk menyerang, ia akan menjadi muktamad satu pukulan "menggunakannya atau hilang" pendekatan kepada semua kuasa-kuasa strategik, konvensional dan bukan konvensional.

Sumber: John Galt FLA

Antara lain, Galt menunjukkan bahawa Koperasi Iran telah pun terbenam di Amerika Syarikat melalui pelbagai cara, termasuk imigresen undang-undang untuk bekerja dan sekolah. Ini menunjukkan bahawa pada permulaan konfrontasi mana-mana aset tersebut akan segera dikerahkan di seluruh Amerika Syarikat dalam pelbagai jawatan, termasuk serangan langsung kepada 'sasaran lembut' seperti sekolah, pusat membeli-belah dan tempat-tempat awam.

Selain itu, manakala Israel akan mempunyai sokongan padu tentera dari Amerika Syarikat dan akses kepada senjata nuklear mereka sendiri (tidak pernah diakui tetapi terkenal di kalangan tentera), Iran mungkin sangat baik telah menghasilkan peledak nuklear jarak dekat mampu menarik Baitulmuqaddis (dan telah dilaporkan membangunkan peluru berpandu jarak jauh mampu menarik sasaran domestik Amerika Syarikat). Pihak Israel pasti percaya ini benar, seperti yang mereka telah baru-baru ini dinyatakan bahawa mereka mempunyai sehingga musim panas untuk melumpuhkan dan memusnahkan reaktor nuklear Iran, dan Amerika Syarikat yang dilaporkan menempatkan sekurang-kurangnya 100,000 tentera hanya di luar Selat Hormuz sedia dengan musim bunga ini.

Propaganda yang sedang disebarkan bersungguh-sungguh di dalam kedua-dua pihak - dengan Amerika Syarikat dan Israel secara terbuka membincangkan kemungkinan menyerang Iran seawal Mac, manakala pada masa yang sama agensi-agensi berita Iran dengan sokongan daripada pemimpin tertinggi Ayatollah Ali Khamenei menggalakkan secara aktif naratif untuk "membunuh semua orang-orang Yahudi dan menghapuskan Israel."

Tidak, sebarang konflik dengan Iran akan tiada apa-apa jua seperti Perang Teluk pertama, dan seperti yang telah berpendapat di laman web ini dan lain-lain banyak dalam sfera berita alternatif, sangat baik mungkin penglibatan pertama peperangan yang akan menimpa seluruh dunia, termasuk Rusia dan China.

Filem pendek berikut berlaku 1 tahun dari hari ini dan menggambarkan beberapa minit yang pertama Perang DUNIA III mungkin kelihatan sepert inii. Tetapan, bagaimanapun, bukan Iran, tetapi, ibu kota Israel Jerusalem.

The First Few Minutes of WORLD War III
Will Look Like 2012-2013 . . .

Contrary to conventional thinking, which suggests that an attack on Iran would be restricted only to that country and an easy victory for Western powers similar to that of the first Gulf War, John Galt paints a markedly different picture in How Iran could Win a War against Israel and the United States in One Hour:

In less than sixty minutes, the tiny nation of Iran could easily defeat two of the mightiest military powers in the world if they are allowed to engage in a first strike opportunity against both of those nations. This is not some far-fetched idea as U.S. and Israeli military planners are keenly aware of the implications of an Iranian attack which catches both nations off guard. The problem is not one of strategy or ability by either nation. The military units of both nations could easily defeat the Iranians in a nuclear or conventional war. However, Iran is not a conventional nation-state nor is the modern concept applicable to the confrontation which is coming.

If Iran were to attack, it would be the ultimate one shot "use it or lose it" approach to all strategic, conventional, and non-conventional forces.

Source: John Galt FLA

Among other things, Galt points out that Iranian operatives have already been embedded in the United States through various means, including legal immigration for work and school. This suggests that at the onset of any confrontation those assets would be immediately deployed across the United States in various capacities, including direct attacks on 'soft targets' such as schools, malls and public venues.

Moreover, while the Israelis will have overwhelming military support from the United States and access to their own nuclear weapons (never acknowledged but well know in military circles), the Iranians may very well have already manufactured short-range nuclear warheads capable of striking Jerusalem (and are reportedly developing long-range missiles capable of striking domestic U.S. targets). The Israelis certainly believe this to be true, as they have recently indicated that they have until summertime to disable and destroy Iran's nuclear reactors, and the United States is reportedly deploying at least 100,000 troops just outside of the Strait of Hormuz to be ready by this spring.

The propaganda is being disseminated in earnest on both sides -- with the United States and Israel openly discussing the possibility of attacking Iran as early as March, while at the same time Iranian news agencies with support from supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei are actively promoting the narrative to "kill all Jews and annihilate Israel."

No, any conflict with Iran will be nothing like the first Gulf War, and as has been opined on this web site and many others in the alternative news sphere, may very well be the first engagement of a war that will envelop the entire globe, including Russia and China.

The following short film takes place one year from today and depicts the first few minutes of what World War III may look like. The setting, however, is not Iran, but rather, Israel's capital city of Jerusalem.

Wake up and see what Illuminati & Israel are doing to Iran and others (BANGUNLAH  dan lihat apa Illuminati & Israel lakukan kepada Iran dan lain-lain)

If you guys had any idea on what is really going on in the 3rd world, with about a million dead Me, Women and CHILDREN in Iraq, and thousands upon thousands of others dead in syria, afghanistan, yemen, pakistan, oman. please help support the stop of mudering civilians by americans. (Jika anda mempunyai sebarang idea apa yang sebenarnya berlaku di dalam DUNIA ke-3, dengan kira-kira satu juta mati Me, Wanita dan Kanak-kanak di Iraq, dan beribu-ribu orang lain yang mati di Syria, Afghanistan, Yaman, pakistan, Oman. sila membantu menyokong berhenti mudering orang awam oleh Amerika).

errors humanHand DISASTER’s . . .