Tuesday, 28 August 2012

1WC'sChannel REVIEW 2012: EUROPE News ‘German business confidence down more than expected’ . . .

German business confidence down more than expected

EUROPE News ‘Keyakinan Jerman, Perniagaan turun lebih daripada yang dijangkakan’ . . .
By 1WC’sChannel | earthWatch Tuesday 28, August 2012

FRANKFURT, Jerman (AP) - perniagaan optimis Jerman jatuh lebih daripada yang dijangkakan pada bulan Ogos, menurut kaji selidik Ifo yang diterbitkan Isnin, satu lagi tanda bahawa ekonomi terbesar di Eropah menghadapi masalah daripada krisis hutang zon euro.

Indeks jatuh kepada 102,3 mata pada bulan Ogos, turun dari 103,2 disemak semula pada bulan Julai. Penganalisis pasaran telah dijangka penurunan kecil kepada 102.6 mata. Ekonomi telah memberi amaran bahawa krisis hutang di zon euro 17-negara akhirnya boleh mengejar dengan Jerman. Ekonomi negara mempunyai lebih daripada beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini yang dilakukan lebih baik daripada kesatuan mata wang secara keseluruhannya, yang sedang bergelut dengan krisis berbanding hutang kerajaan yang terlalu banyak dan kemelesetan di beberapa negara. Jerman berkembang 0.3% peratus pada suku ke-2 dan pengangguran kekal rendah.

Tetapi krisis hutang mempunyai impak yang semakin meningkat ke atas Jerman sebagai pesanan jatuh dari rakan dagangan zon euro dan perniagaan dan pengguna bertahan bermula pada perbelanjaan dan pelaburan di luar takut akan masa depan.

Indeks Ifo berdasarkan kaji selidik sebanyak 7,000 perniagaan Jerman yang ditanya mengenai pandangan mereka terhadap keadaan perniagaan semasa dan jangkaan mereka untuk tempoh 6 bulan akan datang. Walaupun pemandangan bagaimana perkara-perkara yang kini hanya sedikit lebih pembukaan lagu, jangkaan untuk masa depan gelap ketara merentasi beberapa sektor, termasuk pembuatan dan peruncitan.

"Perusahaan semakin pesimis tentang pembangunan perniagaan mereka," Ifo presiden Sinn Hans-Werner berkata dalam satu kenyataan. "Ekonomi Jerman dijangka terus lemah." Masalah di tempat lain sudah mula untuk menjadikan diri mereka dirasai. Itali dan Sepanyol, No 3 dan No 4 zon ekonomi euro, adalah dalam kemelesetan ketika mereka cuba untuk mengurangkan defisit bajet dan perjuangan untuk membiayai semula hutang mereka dalam pasaran bon. Greece, Portugal dan Ireland telah diselamatkan oleh pinjaman dari negara-negara zon euro yang lain.

Setakat ini, eksport kereta dan jentera perindustrian kepada ekonomi yang semakin meningkat di Asia dan Amerika Syarikat telah membantu Jerman berkembang, manakala kadar pengangguran yang rendah telah disokong perbelanjaan pengguna di rumah. Tetapi kelebihan mereka mungkin tidak cukup untuk lebih lama menentang bawah arus daripada krisis zon euro.

"Eksport dan penggunaan domestik telah dilindungi ekonomi Jerman terhadap virus krisis euro sehingga kini," ING penganalisis Carsten Brzeski menulis dalam nota kepada pelabur. "Imuniti ini, bagaimanapun, telah runtuh dengan cepat sejak beberapa bulan kebelakangan ini. Akibatnya, ia kelihatan seolah-olah akan ekonomi Jerman, pada terbaik, mengirik air di bulan-bulan akan datang." Beliau berkata mata bukti untuk penguncupan ekonomi pada suku ke-3 tahun ini. "Walau bagaimanapun, mari kita jelas, memandangkan asas-asas bunyi ekonomi, penguncupan mana-mana hampir tidak perlu berasa kemelesetan di Jerman," katanya.

Andreas Rees, Ketua Ekonomi di UniCredit Penyelidikan di Munich Jerman, berkata "headwinds psikologi" telah memainkan peranan. Pasaran kerja Jerman masih kukuh, dan beberapa pekerja telah memenangi menimbulkan besar, paling ketara peratus 4,3 meningkatkan dimenangi oleh pekerja terbesar perindustrian kesatuan, IG Metall. Yang perlu meningkatkan permintaan pengguna di kedai-kedai, namun peruncit lebih pesimis dalam kaji selidik itu.

"Kebimbangan mengenai krisis zon euro telah jelas outweighing faktor-faktor positif," berkata Rees.

Zon Eropah menjadi lebih teruk kemelesetan kilang . . .

TINJAUAN 1WC'sChannel 2012: (EuroNews) Pembuatan di zon euro menguncup lagi pada bulan Julai, bagi bulan (for the 11th straight month). Kaji selidik terbaru beribu-ribu kilang menunjukkan kemerosotan pembuatan yang teruk di Itali, Sepanyol dan Greece, tetapi juga dalam 2 ekonomi terbesar di rantau ini - Perancis dan Jerman. Indeks pengurus pembelian (PMI) yang dihasilkan daripada kaji selidik menunjukkan ia adalah cerita yang sama di Britain di mana PMI menjunam rendah lebih daripada 3 tahun.

Di China dan India pesanan eksport lemah dan pengeluaran kilang terhenti. PMI rasmi China susut kepada 50.1, yang merupakan rendah 8 bulan. Data zon euro menggariskan skala krisis ekonomi di rantau ini dan meletakkan lebih banyak tekanan kepada Bank Pusat Eropah untuk menyediakan langkah-langkah rangsangan dan menghentikan krisis hutang yang semakin meningkat yang mengancam euro. ECB Presiden Mario Draghi minggu lepas berjanji untuk melakukan apa sahaja yang ia mengambil masa untuk memelihara euro - dalam lingkungan mandat Bank. Tetapi ekonomi tidak mengharapkan tindakan dasar berani dari mesyuarat dasar ECB bulan ini.

* Pengecualian Ireland* Sepanyol, yang merosot lebih jauh ke dalam kemelesetan pada suku ke-2, menyaksikan bulan ke-15 berturut-turut penguncupan, manakala Itali mencatatkan tahun dalam wilayah negatif. PMI untuk Greece, di mana krisis hutang bermula, telah di bawah 50 sejak September 2009. Malah di Turki berkembang pesat sekali, aktiviti perkilangan menguncup buat kali pertama dalam tempoh 4 bulan. Adalah tempat yang hanya terang Ireland. Ia adalah negara zon euro sahaja untuk menunjukkan tanda-tanda muncul dari kemelesetan, dengan PMI melebihi 50 (yang merupakan titik pembahagian antara pengembangan dan penguncupan) bagi bulan lurus ke-5.

Eurozone factory downturn worsens . . .

1WC’sChannel REVIEW 2012: (EUROnews) Manufacturing in the eurozone contracted again in July, for the 11th straight month. The latest survey of thousands of factories showed the manufacturing slump worsened in Italy, Spain and Greece, but also in the region's two biggest economies - France and Germany. The purchasing managers indexes (PMIs) produced from the surveys showed it was the same story in Britain where the PMI plummeted to a more than three-year low.

In China and India export orders were weak and factory output stalled. China's official PMI slipped to 50.1, which was an eight-month low. The eurozone data underline the scale of the region's economic crisis and put more pressure on the European Central Bank to provide stimulus measures and stop a spiralling debt crisis that is threatening the euro. ECB President Mario Draghi last week pledged to do whatever it takes to preserve the euro - within the Bank's mandate.  But economists do not expect bold policy action from this month's ECB policy meeting.

*Ireland the exception* Spain, which slid deeper into recession in the second quarter, saw the 15th straight month of contraction, while Italy chalked up a year in negative territory.  The PMI for Greece, where the debt crisis began, has been below 50 since September 2009.  Even in once-booming Turkey, manufacturing activity contracted for the first time in four months. The only bright spot was Ireland. It was the only euro zone country to show signs of emerging from the downturn, with its PMI above 50 (which is the division point between expansion and contraction) for a fifth straight month.

Find us on:  http://www.euronews.com/  (Youtube) http://bit.ly/zr3upY 

EUROPE News ‘German business confidence down more than expected’ . . .

German business confidence down more than expected

FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) - German business optimism fell more than expected in August, according to the Ifo survey published Monday, another sign that Europe's largest economy faces trouble from the eurozone debt crisis.

The index fell to 102.3 points in August, down from a revised 103.2 in July. Market analysts had expected a smaller dip to 102.6 points. Economists have been warning that the debt crisis in the 17-country eurozone could eventually catch up with Germany. The country's economy has over the past few years done better than the currency union as a whole, which is struggling with a crisis over too much government debt and recessions in several countries. Germany grew 0.3 percent in the second quarter and unemployment remains low.

But the debt crisis is having an increasing impact on Germany as orders fall from its eurozone trading partners and businesses and consumers hold off on spending and investment out of fear of the future.

The Ifo index is based on a survey of 7,000 German businesses which are asked about their views of current business conditions and their expectations for the next six months. While views of how things are now were only slightly more downbeat, expectations for the future darkened significantly across several sectors, including manufacturing and retailing.

"Enterprises are increasingly pessimistic about their business development," Ifo president Hans-Werner Sinn said in a statement. "The Germany economy is weakening further." Troubles elsewhere are starting to make themselves felt. Italy and Spain, the No. 3 and No. 4 eurozone economies, are in recessions as they try to reduce budget deficits and struggle to refinance their debts in bond markets. Greece, Portugal and Ireland have been bailed out by loans from other eurozone countries.

So far, exports of cars and industrial machinery to growing economies in Asia and the United States have helped Germany grow, while low unemployment has buoyed consumer spending at home. But those advantages may not be enough for much longer against the undertow from the eurozone crisis.

"Exports and domestic consumption have shielded the German economy against the euro crisis virus up to now," ING analyst Carsten Brzeski wrote in a note to investors. "This immunity, however, has been crumbling away quickly over recent months. As a consequence, it looks as if the German economy will, at best, be treading water in the coming months." He said the evidence points to a contraction of the economy in the third quarter of the year. "However, let's be clear, given the sound fundamentals of the economy, any contraction should hardly feel recessionary in Germany," he said.

Andreas Rees, chief German economist at UniCredit Research in Munich, said "psychological headwinds" were playing a role. Germany's job market is still strong, and some workers have won big raises, most notably a 4.3 percent raise won by the biggest industrial workers union, IG Metall. That should boost consumer demand in stores, yet retailers were more pessimistic in the survey.

"Fears about the eurozone crisis were obviously outweighing these positive factors," Rees said.

Krisis Euro - Apa yang terjadi dan Mengapa?? 2012 Update . . .

 Jerman = 99 kerusi, Itali = 72 kerusi, Perancis = 72 kerusi, Sepanyol = 50 kerusi.  Di manakah Britain dalam hal ini? Rothschilds dan Rockefellers mempunyai kuasa dont mereka? Saya sentiasa tahu Krisis Euro adalah satu pembohongan . . . semua wang di tangan Elite!

Euro Crisis - What is Happening and Why ??? 2012 Updatem . . .

Germany = 99 seats, Italy = 72 seats, France = 72 seats, Spain = 50 seats. Where is Britain in this? Rothschilds and Rockefellers have power dont they? I always knew Euro Crisis was a lie . . . all the money is in hands of the Elite!!!

Eurozone factory downturn worsens http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjiDBlWZC4g

Lagard Worries Eurozone Crisis would Affect Asia  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsTezHqyFmQ

European Crisis Explained  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKpE0HqJtow&feature=related

Euro Crisis - What is Happening and Why ??? 2012 Update http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBbvBdcwLOI&feature=related

TINJAUAN 1WC'sChannel 2012: New Orleans pendakap untuk Ribut Ishak pada ulang tahun Katrina . . .

A sign reinforces concerns as locals prepare for Tropical Storm Isaac in Metairie, Louisiana, August 27, 2012 (Reuters / Sean Gardner)
Tanda A mengukuhkan kebimbangan sebagai penduduk tempatan bersedia untuk Ribut Tropika Ishak di Metairie, Louisiana, Ogos 27, 2012 (M'sianTIME/tarikh 28 Ogos, 2012) (A sign reinforces concerns as locals prepare for Tropical Storm Isaac in Metairie, Louisiana, August 27, 2012 (M'sianTIME/date Aug 28, 2012)  (Reuters/Sean Gardner)

New Orleans pendakap untuk Ribut Ishak 
pada ulang tahun Katrina . . .
By 1WC’sChannel | earthWatch Tuesday 28, August 2012

Pantai Teluk Amerika Syarikat bersedia untuk Ribut Tropika Ishak, dijangka melanda New Orleans pada ulang tahun dahsyat Taufan Katrina. Presiden Obama telah menandatangani pengisytiharan kecemasan untuk Louisiana, meletakkan pasukan tindakan berjaga-jaga yang tinggi.

Ishak dijangka mempunyai angin hampir 100 kilometer sejam apabila ia mencecah di daratan, yang akan membuat ia Kategori 1 taufan. Trajektori semasa Ishak meletakkan New Orleans di laluannya. Amaran taufan dikeluarkan lebih 500 kilometer dari Louisiana ke barat Florida pada Isnin. Penduduk kawasan di pesisiran pantai telah dinasihatkan untuk mengosongkan hadapan ribut dan memberi amaran kemungkinan banjir dan gangguan elektrik.

Presiden Barack Obama telah mengisytiharkan darurat di Louisiana, melepaskan pembiayaan persekutuan untuk aktiviti kecemasan. Gabenor Louisiana, Bobby Jindal, berkata kerajaan negeri sudah membelanjakan kira-kira $ 8 juta pada pelbagai "pelindunlangkah-langkah kecemasan g."

Agensi Pengurusan Kecemasan Persekutuan telah meletakkan pasukan tindak balas di pusat operasi krisis dan telah berpindah pasukan sokongan ke kawasan-kawasan di mana ribut boleh melanda.

Apabila Katrina melanda pada 29 Ogos 2005, ia adalah Kategori 3 taufan dengan angin lebih 125 batu sejam. Kemusnahan yang meragut nyawa lebih 1,800 orang, kebanyakan mati apabila New Orleans tetambak sistem gagal, dengan melonjak air ribut banjir besar kawasan bandar.

Sejak tahun 2005, sistem tetambak telah dibina semula dengan lebih daripada $ 10 bilion dibelanjakan ke atas peningkatan, kata Mike Stack, Ketua Pengurusan Kecemasan untuk US Army Corp of Engineers.

"Sistem ini direka untuk menahan kesan daripada 100 tahun, ia adalah di tempat, ia bersedia untuk pergi, terdapat tanda-tanda tidak sekarang bahawa sistem itu akan mempunyai apa-apa masalah dengan acara ini," katanya. Strom Ishak telah mendakwa 24 kehidupan di Republik Dominican dan Haiti memaksa berpuluh-puluh ribu untuk mengosongkan rumah mereka pada hujung minggu.

Colorized satellite image shows Tropical Storm Isaac over the Gulf of Mexico, heading on track towards the US state of Louisiana (AFP Photo / Handout / NOAA)
Berwarna imej satelit menunjukkan ribut tropika Ishak sepanjang Teluk Mexico, menuju di landasan yang betul ke arah negeri AS Louisiana (Colorized satellite image shows Tropical Storm Isaac over the Gulf of Mexico, heading on track towards the US state of Louisiana (AFP Photo/Handout/NOAA).

Members of the City Hall Property Management team board up the outside windows of City Hall in preparation for the arrival of Tropical Storm Isaac in New Orleans, Louisiana, August 27, 2012 (Reuters / Sean Gardner)
Ahli Dewan Bandaraya, Harta lembaga pasukan Pengurusan tingkap luar Dewan Bandaraya sebagai persediaan untuk ketibaan Ribut Tropika Ishak di New Orleans, Louisiana, Ogos 27, 2012 (Members of the City Hall Property Management team board up the outside windows of City Hall in preparation for the arrival of Tropical Storm Isaac in New Orleans, Louisiana, August 27, 2012 (Reuters/Sean Gardner).

Covered gas pumps are seen as residents head to the pumps in preparation for Tropical Storm Isaac in Metairie, Louisiana, August 27, 2012 (Reuters / Sean Gardner)
Pam gas Dilindungi dilihat sebagai ketua penduduk untuk pam sebagai persediaan untuk Ribut Tropika Ishak di Metairie, Louisiana, Ogos 27, 2012 (Covered gas pumps are seen as residents head to the pumps in preparation for Tropical Storm Isaac in Metairie, Louisiana, August 27, 2012 (Reuters/Sean Gardner).

Image captured by cameras on board the International Space Station shows Tropical Storm Isaac heading on track towards the US state of Louisiana (AFP Photo / Handout / NASA TV)
Imej yang ditangkap oleh kamera di atas kapal Stesen Angkasa Antarabangsa menunjukkan Ribut Tropika Ishak menuju di landasan yang betul ke arah negeri Amerika Syarikat, Louisiana (Image captured by cameras on board the International Space Station shows Tropical Storm Isaac heading on track towards the US state of Louisiana (AFP Photo/Handout/NASA TV).

Cecil Lapeyrouse fills a gas can while his wife Dee looks on as they prepare for the arrival of Tropical Storm Isaac in Cocodrie. Louisiana August 27, 2012 (Reuters / Lee Celano)
Cecil Lapeyrouse boleh mengisi gas manakala isterinya Dee kelihatan sebagai mereka bersedia untuk ketibaan Ribut Tropika Ishak pada Cocodrie. Louisiana 27 ogos, 2012 (Cecil Lapeyrouse fills a gas can while his wife Dee looks on as they prepare for the arrival of Tropical Storm Isaac in Cocodrie. Louisiana August 27, 2012 (Reuters/Lee Celano).

A man walks by a boarded up business in the French Quarter as business owners prepare for tropical storm Isaac in New Orleans, Louisiana August 27, 2012 (Reuters / Sean Gardner)
Seorang lelaki berjalan dengan perniagaan dinaiki sehingga pada Suku Perancis sebagai pemilik perniagaan bersedia untuk ribut tropika Ishak di New Orleans, Louisiana 27 Ogos, 2012 (A man walks by a boarded up business in the French Quarter as business owners prepare for tropical storm Isaac in New Orleans, Louisiana August 27, 2012 (Reuters/Sean Gardner).

Tropical Storm Isaac is pictured as it approaches landfall in this August 27, 2012 NASA handout satellite image taken at 2125 EDT (Reuters / NASA / Handout)
Ribut Tropika Ishak digambarkan kerana ia pendekatan pendaratan ini Ogos 27, 2012 NASA imej satelit nota yang diambil pada 2125 EDT (Tropical Storm Isaac is pictured as it approaches landfall in this August 27, 2012 NASA handout satellite image taken at 2125 EDT (Reuters/NASA/Handout).

A local business owner takes down a sign in the French Quarter in preparation for Tropical Storm Isaac in New Orleans, Louisiana August 27, 2012 (Reuters / Sean Gardner)
Seorang pemilik perniagaan tempatan mengambil menurunkan tanda pada Suku Perancis dalam persediaan untuk Ishak Ribut Tropika di New Orleans, Louisiana 27 Ogos, 2012 (A local business owner takes down a sign in the French Quarter in preparation for Tropical Storm Isaac in New Orleans, Louisiana August 27, 2012 (Reuters/Sean Gardner).

Man loads sandbags with relatives as they prepare for the arrival of Tropical Storm Isaac in Chauvin, Louisiana August 27, 2012 (Reuters / Lee Celano)
Beban Man sandbags dengan saudara-mara kerana mereka bersedia untuk ketibaan Ribut Tropika Ishak di Chauvin, Louisiana 27 Ogos, 2012 (Man loads sandbags with relatives as they prepare for the arrival of Tropical Storm Isaac in Chauvin, Louisiana August 27, 2012 (Reuters/Lee Celano).

New Orleans braces for Storm Isaac 
on Katrina anniversary . . .

The US Gulf Coast is preparing for Tropical Storm Isaac, projected to hit New Orleans on the anniversary of the devastating Hurricane Katrina. President Obama has signed an emergency declaration for Louisiana, placing response teams on high alert.

Isaac is expected to have winds of almost 100 miles per hour when it hits land, which would make it a Category 1 hurricane. Isaac's current trajectory puts New Orleans in its path. Hurricane warnings were issued over 500 kilometers from Louisiana to western Florida on Monday. Residents of the coastal areas were advised to evacuate ahead of the storm and warned of possible flooding and electrical outages.

President Barack Obama has declared a state of emergency in Louisiana, releasing federal funding for emergency activities. Louisiana governor, Bobby Jindal, said the state had already spent about $8 million on a variety of “emergency protective measures.”

The Federal Emergency Management Agency has placed response teams at crisis operations centers and has moved support teams into the areas where the storm could hit.

When Katrina hit on August 29, 2005, it was a Category 3 hurricane with winds over 125 miles per hour. The devastation claimed the lives of over 1,800 people, most dying when the New Orleans levee system failed, with surging storm waters flooding large areas of the city.

Since 2005, the levee system has been rebuilt with over $10 billion being spent on improvements, said Mike Stack, the Chief of Emergency Management for the US Army Corp of Engineers.

"The system is designed to withstand the 100 year effects, it’s in place, it’s ready to go, there is no indication right now that the system will have any trouble with this event," he said. Strom Isaac has already claimed 24 lives in the Dominican Republic and Haiti forcing tens of thousands to evacuate their homes over the weekend.

(1 Jam lalu) 'Bahaya Terbesar Ishak: Hujan, Banjir' Pusat Taufan Kebangsaan ramalan ribut tropika Ishak untuk mencapai kekuatan taufan dan melanda di sekitar New Orleans lewat Selasa atau awal semalam. (1 hour ago) ‘Isaac's Biggest Dangers: Rain, Flooding’  The National Hurricane Center is forecasting Tropical Storm Isaac to reach hurricane strength and hit around New Orleans late Tuesday or early Wednesday. (Aug. 28). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAgXLfBsd8c&feature=plcp

(8 Jam lalu) 'Alabama. 'Berms' Dapatkan Ujian Pertama Dengan 'Ishak Pada Dauphin Island, Alabama, pegawai mengambil wang dari gergasi minyak BP untuk membina dinding tebal dan batu yang boleh menghadapi ujian pertama mereka serius daripada Ishak. Penguasa awam berfungsi Corey Moore mengatakan Ishak akan menguji 'berms.' (8 hours ago) 'Ala. 'Berms' to Get First Test With Isaac' On Dauphin Island, Alabama, officials took money from oil giant BP to build dunes and a rock wall that could face their first serious test from Isaac. Superintendent of public works Corey Moore says Isaac will test the 'berms.' (Aug. 27). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4orT7YMZus&feature=plcp

(11 Jam lalu) 'Alabama. Penduduk Pantai Tertib Tinggalkan' Gabenor Robert Bentley mengisytiharkan darurat dan mengarahkan penduduk di sepanjang pantai Alabama untuk memindahkan hadapan Ribut Tropika Ishak, yang mengancam untuk paun kawasan rendah dengan hujan, air laut dan angin sengit. (11 hours ago) 'Ala. Coast Residents Ordered to Leave'  Gov. Robert Bentley declared a state of emergency and ordered residents along the Alabama coast to evacuate ahead of Tropical Storm Isaac, which threatened to pound low-lying regions with rain, seawater and fierce winds. (Aug. 27).

(24 Jam lalu) 'Ribut Tropika Ishak bermata Sebagai Kemungkinan Taufan' Ribut Tropika Ishak hampir tidak dikacau penduduk Kunci Florida daripada sikap acuh tak acuh dibuat-buat mereka Ahad, manakala Pantai Teluk bersiap sedia menghadapi kemungkinan bahawa ribut akan mengukuh ke dalam taufan dengan masa ia membuat sana landfall. (24 hours ago) ‘Tropical Storm Isaac Eyed As Possible Hurricane’ Tropical Storm Isaac barely stirred Florida Keys residents from their fabled nonchalance Sunday, while the Gulf Coast braced for the possibility that the storm will strengthen into a hurricane by the time it makes landfall there. (Aug. 26).

(24 jam lalu) 'Gulf Coast Penduduk Diingatkan Mengenai Ishak Pantai Teluk telah tidak dilanda taufan sejak 2008, tetapi Pusat Taufan Kebangsaan telah mengeluarkan amaran taufan untuk petak besar Pantai Teluk utara dari kawasan berhampiranNew Orleans untuk Destin, Florida. (24 hours ago) 'Gulf Coast Residents Warned About Isaac' The Gulf Coast hasn't been hit by a hurricane since 2008, but the National Hurricane Center has issued a hurricane warning for a large swath of the northern Gulf Coast from an area near New Orleans to Destin, Fla. (Aug. 26).

(24 jam lalu) 'Ishak belum lagi Kekuatan Taufan' Knabb Rick, pengarah Pusat Taufan Kebangsaan berkata Ishak kekal ribut tropika Ahad petang kerana ia berpusat di selatan Key West, Florida. (24 hours ago) 'Isaac Not Yet at Hurricane Strength' Rick Knabb, director of the National Hurricane Center says Isaac remained a tropical storm Sunday afternoon as it was centered south of Key West, Florida. (Aug. 26). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbg8SeIaah0&feature=plcp

(24 jam lalu) 'Ishak Sebagai Merasa di Florida' Peramal mengatakan melihat taufan telah diperluaskan untuk merangkumi kawasan metro New Orleans sebagai Ishak Ribut Tropika membuat jalan ke arah kunci-kunci Florida. (24 hours ago) 'Isaac Being Felt in Florida' Forecasters say a hurricane watch has been extended to include the New Orleans metro area as Tropical Storm Isaac makes its way toward the Florida Keys. (Aug. 26). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ReY65dfz7s&feature=plcp

Pembunuhan yang tepat pada masanya? 'Matlamat untuk membuat perubahan pendirian Rusia & China ke atas Syria . . .

Mencari fakta tidak menjadi tren sebagai taktik memburuk-burukkan Amerika Syarikat menghukum wartawan . . .
By 1WC’sChannel | earthWatch Tuesday 28, August 2012

TINJAUAN 1WC'sChannel 2012 (RT Berita 1 jam yang lalu.) ‘Mencari fakta tidak menjadi tren sebagai taktik memburuk-burukkan Amerika Syarikat menghukum wartawan’ Kebebasan bersuara dan kewartawanan cenderung untuk pergi tangan-tangan - tetapi ia bukan satu kesatuan yang semua orang menyokong. Di Amerika Syarikat, sebagai contoh, kerajaan yang mendapati ia adalah kaedah sendiri menghukum pemberita yang operasi di luar negara tidak bertemu dengan hasrat Washington. Gayane Chichakyan RT mempunyai cerita.

Fact-finding not in vogue as US smear tactics 
punish Journalists . . .

1WC’sChannel REVIEW 2012 (RT News. 1 hour ago) ‘Fact-finding not in vogue as US smear tactics punish journalists’ Freedom of speech and journalism tend to go hand-in-hand - but it's not a union that everyone supports. In the United States, for example, the government's found it's own methods of punishing reporters whose overseas operations don't meet with the wishes of Washington. RT's Gayane Chichakyan has the story.

Pembunuhan yang tepat pada masanya? 'Matlamat untuk membuat perubahan pendirian Rusia & China ke atas Syria . . .

TINJAUAN 1WC'sChannel 2012: (RT Berita 2 jam yang lalu.) 'Pembunuhan tepat pada masanya? 'Matlamat untuk membuat perubahan pendirian Rusia & China pada Syria’ Pertempuran berat terus di ibu negara Syria, sebagai aktivis mendakwa pemberontak telah menembak jatuh sebuah helikopter tentera ke atas Damsyik. Rakaman yang didakwa menunjukkan sebuah helikopter tentera yang melanda dalam api sejurus sebelum tejunam ke tanah. Aktivis menuduh pasukan keselamatan Syria membunuh lebih daripada 300 orang di bandar Daraya, berhampiran ibu kota. Kerajaan mengatakan ia dijalankan operasi anti-keganasan di kawasan itu. Britain balas kepada pembunuhan beramai-ramai yang dikatakan itu, berhujah bahawa ia menekankan keperluan mendesak untuk tindakan antarabangsa terhadap Assad. Sementara itu, presiden Syria telah berikrar untuk berdiri teguh dalam menghadapi apa yang beliau sifatkan sebagai plot asing terhadap kaumnya. Untuk maklumat lanjut mengenai perkara ini, RT bercakap kepada wartawan UK Neil Clark.

Timely Massacre? 'Aim to make Russia & China 
change stance on Syria . . .

1WC’sChannel REVIEW 2012: (RT News. 2 hour ago) ‘Timely Massacre? 'Aim to make Russia & China change stance on Syria’ Heavy clashes continue in the Syrian capital, as activists claim rebels have shot down an army helicopter over Damascus. The footage allegedly shows a military helicopter engulfed in flames shortly before hitting the ground. Activists have accused Syrian security forces of killing more than 300 people in the town of Daraya, near the capital. The government says it carried out an anti-terror operation in the area. Britain responded to the alleged massacre, arguing that it highlighted the urgent need for international action against Assad. While, the Syrian president has vowed to stand firm in the face of what he describes to be a foreign plot against his nation. For more on this, RT talks to UK journalist Neil Clark.

Fact-finding not in vogue as US smear tactics punish journalists http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lp60WA7wCVM&feature=plcp

Timely Massacre? 'Aim to make Russia & China change stance on Syria http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7c1ceVP-AZE&feature=plcp