Amerika Syarikat dibanjiri: Video selepas Isaac . . .
By 1WC’sChannel | earthWatch Saturday 01, September 2012
TINJAUAN 1WC'sChannel 2012: RT News. Sep 1, 2012 - 'Amerika Syarikat dibanjiri: Video selepas Isaac, rumah di tenggelami air sehingga bumbung' kawasan selatan New Orleans telah dilanda banjir sejak Isaac mabuk darat sebagai taufan pada petang Selasa dan menolak air ke atas tetambak 18-batu. Aerial rakaman video menunjukkan rumah berpuluh-puluh yang dikelilingi oleh air sehingga kasau mereka. Banjir juga menemui pokok tumbang di tanah perkuburan tempatan. Isaac ribut telah diturunkan kepada kemurungan tropika, dan takat kerosakan menjadi lebih jelas. Kru bentangkan dalam bot dan udara di Laplace dan melihat lumpur berat dan air kotor juga rumah tanda jalan, dan treler. Mereka bekerja untuk menyelamatkan lembu dan ternakan lain dari runtuhan. Dipindahkan dari bandar itu terus diangkut oleh bas ke tempat perlindungan pelbagai. Ramai daripada mereka hilang segala-galanya milik mereka kecuali apa yang mereka dapat dibawa dengan mereka dalam minit sebelum permindahkan.
1WC’sChannel REVIEW 2012: RT News - ‘US Flooded: Video of Isaac aftermath, houses in water up to roofs’ The area south of New Orleans has been plagued by flooding since Isaac sloshed ashore as a hurricane on Tuesday evening and pushed water over the 18-mile levee. Aerial video footage shows dozens of homes surrounded by water up their rafters. The flood also unearthed caskets and uprooted trees at a local cemetery. The storm Isaac has been downgraded to a tropical depression, and the extent of the damage is becoming clearer. Crews set out in air boats in LaPlace and saw heavy mud and dirty water caking homes, street signs and trailers. They worked to save cows and other livestock from the debris. Evacuees from that town continue to be ferried by buses to various shelters. Many of them lost everything they owned except what they were able to carrying with them in the minutes before evacuating.
Isaac membunuh 4 orang: ‘Bandar yang masih ditenggelami air dalam selepas ribut melanda Amerika Syarikat’ . . .
TINJAUAN 1WC'sChannel REVIEW 2012: RT News - Tahap kerosakan oleh Isaac diserahkan bersyukur kerana telah menjadi tetapi sekerat apa Katrina menyebabkan 7 tahun lebih awal, tetapi ribut terbaru telah menjadi hebatnya masih merosakkan. Isaac telah begitu jauh diambil sekurang-kurangnya 4 nyawa.
Kini dengan ribut terburuk di sebalik negeri Louisiana, penduduk pulang ke rumah mereka - atau apa yang tinggal - dan mengambil inventori kemusnahan yang disebabkan oleh Isaac dan menilai kehancuran.
Pada pagi Jumaat, angka kematian Isaac telah diselaraskan hingga 4 kematian antara Louisiana dan Mississippi, dengan lelaki dan wanita dari Braithwaite, selatan New Orleans, menjadi statistik terbaru dalam ribut. Laporan Associated Press bahawa mangsa, yang nama mereka sedang ditahan, tidak dapat meninggalkan rumah mereka pada hari Khamis semasa banjir besar, dan bahawa berpuluh-puluh penduduk terpaksa diselamatkan kerana hujan lebat direndam kawasan sekitarnya, menghantar banyak Bandar-bandar di bawah air .
"Ia datang ke titik apabila tasik dan kawasan anda menjadi salah," Mandeville, Louisiana pemastautin Gerard Braud memberitahu CNN. Sepanjang berhampiran sungai Tangipahoa, Gabenor Louisiana Bobby Jindal telah mengarahkan pemindahan mandatori, memetik berehat di empangan boleh menghantar air banjir ke bandar Kentwood hanya dalam masa 90 minit, di mana 2.200 penduduk akan berisiko mengalami kemurkaan Isaac.
Anehnya, beberapa kawasan-kawasan lain di Amerika Syarikat mengalu-alukan Isaac; dalam Midwest melanda draf, industri pertanian akhirnya boleh menerima rangsangan yang amat diperlukan, tetapi pada harga kos jumlah yang tidak dapat diatasi kerosakan kepada Pantai Teluk. Dalam laporan mereka sendiri pada Ishak, Reuters yang dipanggil bebagai ribut tropika, "rahmat kepada petani mengalami kemarau terburuk dalam lebih daripada 50 tahun, walaupun terlambat untuk banyak tanaman musim ini."
Sebagai ribut terbentang utara dan barat air keluar, walaupun, tidak jadi murka. CNN melaporkan bahawa pada satu ketika, 915,000 pelanggan hilang elektrik antara negeri-negeri Arkansas, Alabama, Louisiana dan Mississippi, syarikat-syarikat utiliti melaporkan. "Ia tidak terlalu buruk, tetapi seluruh pantai akan menjadi kucar-kacir," Pas Kristian, Mississippi Mayor Chipper McDermott berkata CBS Berita ribut.
(AFP Photo/Chris Graythen)
Jewel Rico dan anjing Chico beliau diselamatkan dari air banjir dari Taufan Isaac pada 30 Ogos 2012 di Reserve, Louisiana (Jewel Rico and her dog Chico are rescued from flood waters from Hurricane Isaac on August 30, 2012 in Reserve, Louisiana) (Reuters/Chris Graythen).
Isaac kills four: ‘Cities still underwater after storm hits US . . .
1WC'sChannel REVIEW 2012: RT News - The degree of damage handed out by Isaac has thankfully been but a sliver of what Katrina caused seven years earlier, but the latest storm has managed to be impressively ravaging still. Isaac has so far taken at least four lives.
Now with the worst of the storm behind the state of Louisiana, residents are returning to their homes - or what’s left - and taking inventory of the destruction caused by the Isaac and assessing the devastation.
By Friday morning, Isaac’s death toll had tallied to four fatalities between Louisiana and Mississippi, with a man and woman from Braithwaite, south of New Orleans, becoming the latest statistics in the storm. The Associated Press reports that the victims, whose names are currently being withheld, were not able to leave their home on Thursday during immense flooding, and that dozens of residents had to be rescued as heavy rain soaked the surrounding area, sending many towns under water.
"It comes to a point when the lake and your yard become one," Mandeville, Louisiana resident Gerard Braud tells CNN. Along the nearby Tangipahoa River, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal ordered a mandatory evacuation, citing that a break in a dam there could send floodwaters to the town of Kentwood in only 90 minutes, where 2,200 residents would be at risk of suffering Isaac’s wrath.
Strangely, some in other areas of the US are welcoming Isaac; in the draught-ravaged Midwest, the agriculture industry may finally receive a much needed boost, but at a price that has already cost insurmountable amounts of damage to the Gulf Coast. In their own report on Isaac, Reuters called the tropical storm, “a godsend to farmers suffering from the worst drought in more than 50 years, even if too late for many of this season's crops.”
As the storm stretches north and west off the water, though, so does its wrath. CNN reports that at one point, 915,000 customers lost electricity between the states of Arkansas, Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi, utility companies reported. "It's not too bad, but the whole coast is going to be a mess," Pass Christian, Mississippi Mayor Chipper McDermott says to CBS News of the storm.
Isaac kills four; Cities still underwater after storm hits US
US Flooded: Video of Isaac aftermath, houses in water up to roofs