Thursday, 6 September 2012

REVIEW 2012: WhiteHouseNews. Today 19 Syawwal (Wed. 6, September) . . .

President Obama Throws a Football at Soldier Field
Presiden Barack Obama melemparkan bola sepak di padang di Soldier Field selepas makan malam NATO bekerja di Chicago, Illinois. (President Barack Obama throws a football on the field at Soldier Field following the NATO working dinner in Chicago, Illinois).

Sorotan NFL Juara di White House . . .
By 1WC’sChannel | REVIEW 2012: White House News Today 19 Syawwal/Wed. 6, September

Blog White House - Anda tahu musim panas adalah pada penutup dan jatuh adalah di atas kita apabila musim NFL biasanya bermula, dan hari ini, Dallas Cowboys dan NFL tahun lepas juara New York Giants akan ‘kick-off’ musim di rumah. Jun ini yang lalu Presiden Obama menjadi tuan rumah 2012 Giants NFL Juara di White House mengucapkan tahniah kepada mereka atas kemenangan mereka - hanya kerana dia dihoskan juara lalu, termasuk Steelers, Saints, Packers, dan walaupun 1985 Chicago Bears. Dalam penghormatan ‘kickoff’ pada malam ini, kita telah menghimpunkan beberapa acara kemuncak lawatan NFL Juara ke White House. ‘Check it out’.

Highlights of NFL Champions at the White House . . .

The White House Blog - You know summer is at a close and fall is upon us when the NFL regular season begins, and today, the Dallas Cowboys and last year’s NFL champion New York Giants will kick-off the season at home. This past June President Obama hosted the 2012 NFL Champion Giants at the White House to congratulate them on their victory -- just as he's hosted past champions, including the Steelers, the Saints, the Packers, and even the 1985 Chicago Bears. In honor of tonight's kickoff, we've pulled together some highlights of NFL Champions’ visits to the White House. Check it out.

President Barack Obama Leans on a Football
Presiden Barack Obama condong pada bola sepak semasa membuat panggilan telefon di Pejabat Oval pada 24 Jun, 2009. (President Barack Obama leans on a football while making a phone call in the Oval Office on June 24, 2009).

President Obama honors the Super Bowl XLV Champion Packers
Presiden Barack Obama menerima Green Bay Packers stock perakuan daripada cornerback Charles Woodson Portico Selatan (President Barack Obama receives a Green Bay Packers stock certificate from cornerback Charles Woodson on the South Portico . . .)

We the People: 3 Juta Tandatangan Kemudian . . .

Tahun lepas, White House melancarkan satu alat baru yang dipanggil Kami Rakyat (We the People,), yang menawarkan cara yang ampuh dan mudah untuk petisyen Pentadbiran Obama untuk mengambil tindakan ke atas pelbagai isu. Jika petisyen mengumpulkan tandatangan cukup, pegawai dasar mengkaji dan menyiarkan suatu sambutan rasmi. Dari awal, Kami populariti Rakyat melebihi jangkaan kami. Lebih 600,000 tandatangan telah diterima dalam 11 hari pertama dan dalam masa 2 minggu, 81 petisyen telah mencapai di ambang tandatangan awal sebanyak 5,000 tandatangan dalam tempoh 30 hari.

Meningkatkan ambang 25,0000 tandatangan dalam tempoh 30 hari membolehkan kita untuk mengimbangi sumber kami dan memberi tumpuan kepada menyediakan respons yang berkualiti dan susulan ‘engagement’. Walau bagaimanapun, sejak Oktober 3, 2011, kita telah masih mempunyai tambahan 30 petisyen di ambang baru. Lihat peta tandatangan petisyen mengikut lokasi.

Banyak kali, petisyen posted Kami Rakyat mempunyai kesan sebenar ke atas membuat dasar. Sebagai contoh, populariti dua petisyen mengenai cetak rompak dalam talian (aka SOPA & BATERE) terhablur kedudukan Pentadbiran berhubung isu itu, yang pertama kali diperincikan dalam aresponse Kami Rakyat. Sebagai tindak balas kepada petisyen menuntut pengawasan kuat penternak komersial yang menjual anak anjing talian (response on We the People. In response to a petition demanding stronger oversight of commercial breeders who sell puppies online), Jabatan Pertanian Amerika Syarikat mengumumkan bahawa mereka telah membangunkan peraturan yang dicadangkan yang akan meliputi penternak internet di bawah Akta Kebajikan Haiwan. Setelah pemerintahan terbuka untuk komen awam, penandatangan petisyen telah dijemput untuk memberi komen.

Daftar keluar fakta utama pasangan dan angka tentang Kita Orang platform di bawah. Bersedia untuk membuat atau menandatangani petisyen sekarang? Bermula di

We the People: 3 Million Signatures Later . . .

Last year, the White House launched a new tool called We the People, offering a powerful and simple way to petition the Obama Administration to take action on a range of issues. If a petition gathers enough signatures, policy officials review it and publish an official response. From the beginning, We the People's popularity exceeded our expectations. Over 600,000 signatures were received in the first 11 days and within two weeks, 81 petitions had reached the initial signature threshold of 5,000 signatures within 30 days. Raising the threshold to 25,0000 signatures within 30 days allowed us to balance our resources and focus on providing quality response and follow-up engagement.  However, since October 3, 2011, we've still had an additional 30 petitions cross the new threshold. View a map of petition signatures by location.

Many times, petitions posted on We the People have a real impact on policy-making. For example, the popularity of two petitions concerning online piracy (a.k.a. SOPA & PIPA) crystallized the Administration’s position on the issue, which was first detailed in a response on We the People. In response to a petition demanding stronger oversight of commercial breeders who sell puppies online, the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced they were developing a proposed rule that would cover internet breeders under the Animal Welfare Act. Once the rule was open for public comment, petition signers were invited to comment.

Check out a couple key facts and figures about the We the People platform below. Ready to create or sign a petition now? Get started at

Visiting the White House, "Anytime, Anywhere, 
and on Any Device" . . .

Hari ini, kami teruja untuk mengumumkan beberapa perubahan besar kepada cara anda menyambung dengan White House. Lebih ramai rakyat Amerika bergantung pada tablet dan telefon pintar untuk berita dan maklumat berbanding sebelum ini dan kita telah pasti melihat trend ini dicerminkan di Sejak 2 tahun yang lalu bilangan kunjungan mudah alih ke tapak telah 3 kali ganda, mencapai 15,17% daripada jumlah trafik. Dalam usaha untuk memenuhi permintaan yang semakin meningkat ini, kami telah dilancarkan semula House keseluruhan program bimbit White House, membuat ia lebih mudah untuk melihat apa yang berlaku di 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Pertama, kita dirombak versi mudah alih, memberikan wajah baru dan membuat lebih daripada 99% daripada tapak disediakan kepada pengguna mudah alih. Kami juga telah mengeluarkan versi baru aplikasi White House untuk iPhone dan Android, membina semula mereka dari bawah dan menambah beberapa ciri baru. Untuk pertama kalinya, aplikasi ini juga serasi sepenuhnya dengan tablet iPad dan Android.

2012 Mobile apps

Visiting the White House, "Anytime, Anywhere, 
and on Any Device" . . .

Today, we're excited to announce some big changes to the way you connect with the White House. More Americans rely on tablets and smart phones for news and information than ever before and we've certainly seen these trends reflected at Over the past two years the number of mobile visits to the site has tripled, reaching 15.17% of total traffic. In order to meet this growing demand, we've relaunched the entire White House mobile program, making it even easier to see what's going on at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

First, we revamped the mobile version of, giving it a new look and making more than 99% of the site available to mobile users. We've also released new versions of the White House apps for the  iPhone and  Android, rebuilding them from the ground up and adding several new features. For the first time, these apps are also fully compatible with the iPad and Android tablets.


 3 Cara untuk Explore The White House dari Rumah . . .

The White House tidak hanya rumah kepada Keluarga Pertama atau ruang mesyuarat untuk pemimpin-pemimpin DUNIA. Ia juga dikenali sebagai "Dewan Rakyat" - tempat yang harus terbuka kepada semua orang. Dan itulah sebabnya Presiden dan Puan Obama telah menjadikan ia satu keutamaan untuk menjemput orang muda, keluarga tentera, dan rakyat Amerika daripada semua peringkat umur untuk menyertai mereka di sini di White House.

Dan, kerana mengalaminya White House tidak harus terhad kepada mereka yang mampu untuk melawatinya, Pentadbiran Obama telah bekerja keras untuk menawarkan akses yang pernah berlaku sebelum ini yang membuka Dewan Rakyat kepada pengunjung maya juga.

Jadi, sama ada anda berada di rumah di California atau di sekolah di Maine, membiarkan jari anda melakukan berjalan dan mengambil ini sebagai jemputan rasmi anda untuk melihat White House. Berikut adalah 3 cara yang baik untuk memulakan.

Belajar mengenai White House dan banyak bilik yang bersejarah di dalam Dewan Rakyat di 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Sebagai sebahagian daripada Presiden dan komitmen Puan Obama untuk membuka White House sebagai ramai rakyat Amerika yang baik mungkin, kita telah bekerjasama dengan Projek Seni Google dan membenarkan kamera View Street 360 mereka untuk menangkap bilik yang dipaparkan di lawatan awam. Kini sesiapa sahaja, di mana-mana, boleh mengalami sejarah dan seni White House melalui komputer mereka.

Ahli projek Seni Google dan Google Street View pasukan baru-baru ini datang ke White House untuk mewujudkan satu cara baru untuk orang-orang untuk melawat White House. Sila lihat pada proses yang masuk ke dalam mewujudkan berjalan kaki ijazah maya 360 melalui pelancongan awam White House. Sila lihat di dalam White House pada

Members of the Google Art project and the Google Street View team recently came to the White House to create a new way for people to tour the White House. Take a look at the process that went into creating a 360 degree virtual walk through of the White House public tour. Take a look inside the White House at


The White House video, pasukan mencipta satu siri video yang membawa anda di sebalik tabir beberapa setiap hari - dan tidak begitu setiap hari - aktiviti yang mengambil tempat di White House. Pernah ingin mahu tahu apa yang berlaku di dalam bilik situasi White House, belajar lebih lanjut mengenai 10 huruf daripada rakyat Amerika bahawa Presiden Obama membaca setiap hari, atau mengambil puncak pada proses penyediaan Negeri Alamat Kesatuan Presiden? Sekarang adalah peluang anda.


The White House video team created a series of videos that take you behind the scenes of some of the everyday - and not so every day - activities that take place at the White House. Ever wanted to know what goes on inside the White House situation room, learn more about the 10 letters from the American people that President Obama reads every day, or take a peak at the process of preparing the President’s State of the Union Address? Now’s your chance.

Di dalam Rumah Putih: Bilik Situasi/Inside the White House: The Situation Room

Kelihatan eksklusif di dalam salah satu kawasan yang paling selamat di negara ini, Bilik Situasi White House. 18 Disember, 2009 (Domain Awam) (An exclusive look inside one of the most secure spaces in the country, the White House Situation Room. December 18, 2009) (Public Domain)

Setiap hari, Presiden Obama membaca 10 surat daripada orang ramai dalam usaha untuk kekal dalam selaras dengan isu-isu dan kebimbangan Amerika. "Surat kepada Presiden" adalah satu eksklusif, belakang-tabir melihat pada proses bagaimana mereka 10 huruf membuat ia ke meja Presiden dari kalangan puluhan ribu surat, faks, dan e-mel membanjir White House setiap hari. 3 Ogos, 2009.

Every day, President Obama reads ten letters from the public in order to stay in tune with America's issues and concerns. "Letters to the President" is an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at the process of how those ten letters make it to the President's desk from among the tens of thousands of letters, faxes, and e-mails that flood the White House each day. August 3, 2009.

Tontoni rakaman sebalik tabir dan temu bual dari pembuatan Negeri Presiden Barack Obama 2011 Alamat Kesatuan. Penasihat Kanan kepada Presiden David Axelrod dan Pengarah Speechwriting Jon Favreau memberi lihat dalam yang jarang berlaku pada proses di sebalik alamat Presiden.

Watch behind-the-scenes footage and interviews from the making of President Barack Obama's 2011 State of the Union Address. Senior Advisor to the President David Axelrod and Director of Speechwriting Jon Favreau give a rare inside look at the process behind the President's address.

Three Ways to Explore the White House from Home . . .

The White House isn’t just a home to First Families or meeting space for world leaders. It’s also known as "The People’s House" -- a place that should be open to everyone. And that’s why President and Mrs. Obama have made it a priority to invite young people, military families, and Americans of all ages to join them here at the White House.

And, because experiencing the White House shouldn't be limited to the those who are able to visit in person, the Obama Administration has worked hard to offer unprecedented access that opens up the People's House to virtual visitors as well.

So, whether you're at home in California or at school in Maine, let your fingers do the walking and take this as your formal invitation to see the White House. Here's three great ways to get started.

Learn about the White House grounds and many of the historic rooms inside the People’s House at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

As part of President and Mrs. Obama’s commitment to open the White House to as many Americans as possible, we have partnered with the Google Art Project and allowed their 360 Street View cameras to capture the rooms that are featured on the public tour. Now anyone, anywhere, can experience the history and art of the White House via their computer.

TINJAUAN 1WC'sChannel 2012: Clinton' Kecewa 'Dengan Pendirian China pada Syria' . . .

AssociatedPress (47 minit yang lalu) - 'Tiada Motif di Kanada Politik Penembak Rally' Polis soal siasat seorang yang dituduh membuka ungun api pada satu perhimpunan kemenangan tengah malam pemisah untuk Perdana Menteri baru Quebec, tetapi polis berkata kenyataan yg menjalar suspek dalam bahasa Inggeris dan Perancis menghasilkan motif tiada untuk penembak yang membunuh seorang. (Sept. 6/Syawwal 19)

AssociatedPress  (47 minutes ago)  - ‘No Motive in Canadian Political Rally Shooting’ Police interrogated a man accused of opening fire at a midnight victory rally for Quebec's new separatist premier, but police said the suspect's rambling statements in French and English yielded no motive for the shooting that killed one. (Sept. 6/Syawwal 19)

RT News (1 Jam lalu) - 'Amerika Syarikat mahu Pentagon rondaan di Asia melalui sekutu' Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Hillary Clinton di ibu negara China untuk ceramah, tetapi lawatan beliau datang di tengah-tengah ketegangan diplomatik yang semakin meningkat. Beijing telah memberi amaran Washington untuk tinggal daripada pertikaian wilayah negara dengan beberapa negara lain di luar pantai Cina. Negeri Komunis telah mengancam untuk menggunakan kekerasan untuk mempertahankan tuntutan kepada rantaian pulau-pulau di sana. Clinton berkata kedudukan Amerika adalah neutral, tetapi Beijing telah tuduh Washington campur tangan dalam hal ehwal rantau. (19 september 6/Syawwal)

RT News (1 hour ago) - ‘US wants Pentagon patrol in Asia via allies' State Secretary Hillary Clinton's in the Chinese capital for talks, but her visit comes amid rising diplomatic tensions. Beijing has warned Washington to stay out of the country's territorial disputes with several other nations off the Chinese coast. The Communist state has threatened to use force to defend its claims to a chain of islands there. Clinton says America's position is neutral, but Beijing has accused Washington of meddling in the region's affairs. (Sept. 6/Syawwal 19)

RT News (2 Jam lalu) - 'Video: Putin mengambil ke langit untuk membimbing berhijrah burung-burung Putin Vladimir memakai sepasang pakaian putih untuk lebih menyerupai burung, mengambil kira dalam buaian tangannya, dan mengambil tempat di kepala kekusutan kren jarang berlaku, yang baru diikuti mereka "pemimpin". (19 september 6/Syawwal)

RT News (2 hours ago) - ‘Video: Putin takes to the sky to guide migrating birds’ Vladimir Putin donned a pair of white overalls to better resemble a bird, took off in his hand glider, and took place at the head of a skein of rare cranes, who followed their new "leader". (Sept. 6/Syawwal 19)

AFP (2 Jam lalu) - 'Clinton' Kecewa 'dengan pendirian China pada Syria' Setiausaha Negara Amerika Syarikat Hillary Clinton mengulangi kekecewaan beliau alih kedudukan atas Syria China pada Rabu, semasa lawatan diplomatik ke Beijing. (19 september 6/Syawwal)

AFP (2 hours ago) - ‘Clinton 'disappointed' by China stance on Syria’ US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reiterated her disappointment over China's position on Syria on Wednesday, during a diplomatic visit to Beijing. (Sept. 6/Syawwal 19)

AlJazeeraEnglish (10 Jam lalu) - 'Keluarga kekal mangsa Syria pengeboman' Angkatan setia kepada Bashar al-Assad, presiden Syria, telah dipersalahkan kerana menggunakan pesawat pejuang, kereta kebal dan mortar sewenang-wenangnya membedil kawasan yang dikuasai pembangkang di seluruh negara. Tindakan ini telah meninggalkan banyak bangunan kediaman musnah dan beribu-ribu orang awam mati. Dalam Al Jazeera eksklusif, Khadija Magardie laporan mengenai bagaimana satu keluarga, pasangan suami isteri dan 4 kanak-kanak, mati selepas rumah mereka di Aleppo telah dibom ketika sedang mereka tidur. Anak yang baru lahir pasangan itu adalah mangsa serangan. (19 september 6/Syawwal)

AlJazeeraEnglish (10 hours ago) - ‘Families remain victims of Syria bombardments’ Forces loyal to Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian president, have been blamed for using warplanes, tanks and mortars to indiscriminately bombard opposition-controlled areas across the country. The action has left many residential buildings destroyed and thousands of civilians dead.  In an Al Jazeera exclusive, Khadija Magardie reports on how one family, a married couple and their four children, died after their home in Aleppo was shelled as they slept. The couple's newborn child was the only survivor of the attack. (Sept. 6/Syawwal 19)

SyrianDaysOfRage (19 hours ago) - 'Idlib | Plane Shot Down By Tentera Syria Bebas Dengan The Captain'!!/SyriaDayofRage Mangsa Syria menjerit untuk minta bantuan anda. Adakah Anda akan menjawab? (19 september 6/Syawwal)

SyrianDaysOfRage (19 hours ago) - ‘Idlib | Plane Shot Down By The Free Syrian Army With The Captain’!/SyriaDayofRage Syrian victims are screaming for your help. Will you answer? (Sept. 6/Syawwal 19)

WORLD News ‘ IDed Disyaki menembak perhimpunan pilihan raya di Quebec’ . . .
By 1WC’sChannel | earthWatch Today 19 Syawwal/Wednesday 6, September  2012

Pauline Marois,
Pauline Marois, – Photo: AP

MONTREAL (AP) - Polis pada Rabu soal siasat seorang lelaki yang dituduh melepaskan tembakan pada perhimpunan kemenangan tengah malam untuk pemisah Perdana Menteri baru Quebec, tetapi polis berkata kenyataan yg menjalar suspek dalam bahasa Perancis dan Inggeris tidak menghasilkan sebarang motif segera untuk menembak membunuh seorang.

Seorang pegawai polis mengenal pasti suspek sebagai Richard Henry Bain, 62, daripada Conception La, Quebec. Rasmi polis bercakap Press bersekutu dengan syarat tidak mahu namanya disiarkan kerana suspek telah tidak didakwa lagi.

Polis berkata Bain mungkin akan muncul di mahkamah pada pagi Khamis. Wilayah Quebec polis awal Rabu berkata lelaki bersenjata bertopeng memakai jubah mandi membuka kebakaran hanya di luar bangunan mana Pauline Marois Parti pemisah Quebec telah memberi ucapan kemenangan beliau.

Lelaki bersenjata telah mendengar menjerit "Bahasa Inggeris bangun!" dalam bahasa Perancis sebagai polis mengheret dia jauh. Marois telah ‘whisked’ dari pentas oleh sambil pengawal memberi ucapan beliau dan tidak cedera. "Saya amat terjejas oleh ini tetapi saya perlu pergi ke hadapan dan menganggap tanggungjawab saya," Marois berkata Rabu.

"Di sebalik tragedi ini, kita mesti mengatakan Quebec adalah sebuah masyarakat yang bukan ganas. Sesuatu perbuatan kebodohan tidak boleh membersihkan kita mengenai hakikat ini," tambah beliau. Marois 63, menjadi perdana menteri pertama wanita Quebec, memanggilnya sebagai tembakan acara terpencil dan berkata ia adalah mungkin kes orang yang "mempunyai isu-isu kesihatan yang serius."

Apabila dia mula-mula pergi belakang pentas, Marois berkata dia melihat seseorang yang telah cedera dan bahawa terdapat kebakaran di luar, tetapi dia fikir segala-galanya adalah di bawah kawalan. Polis berkata suspek menyalakan api kecil sebelum dia ditangkap.

Ia tidak jelas jika lelaki bersenjata itu cuba untuk menembak Marois, yang pihak nikmat pemisahan dari Kanada untuk wilayah berbahasa Perancis. Lieut. Guy Lapointe Quebec wilayah polis berkata sebelum suspek itu dibawa ke hospital semasa soal siasat, tetapi hidupnya tidak berada dalam bahaya.

"Kita tidak boleh menubuhkan pada ketika ini apa motif atau niat Adakah dia mensasarkan Madame Marois? Saya akan memberitahu anda banyak perkara yang telah dikatakan oleh individu ini selepas mereka menahan beliau, dalam bahasa Perancis dan Inggeris," Lapointe katanya.

Polis telah diuruskan dengan suspek sebelum kejadian kecil, Lapointe katanya. Marois telah memberi ucapan kemenangannya kepada beratus-ratus penyokong di auditorium Metropolis. Dia baru sahaja diisytiharkan firma beliau keyakinan bahawa Quebec perlu untuk menjadi sebuah negara yang berdaulat sebelum dia ditarik keluar pentas.

"Apa yang berlaku?" Marois memberitahu detail keselamatan beliau kerana mereka meraih tangannya dan mengheret beliau jauh semasa sambutan kemenangan parti itu dalam pilihan raya wilayah Selasa. Polis pada mulanya berkata lelaki bersenjata yang membuat ia ke dalam bangunan . . . Lelaki bersenjata kemudian menetapkan api kecil sebelum beliau ditangkap, kata polis. Lapointe berkata beliau tidak meletakkan apa-apa tentangan.

Marois kembali ke pentas selepas menembak dan meminta orang ramai untuk bersurai secara aman, dan kemudian seolah-olah menamatkan ucapan beliau. Beliau meninggalkan dewan di tengah-tengah pengawal peribadi polis wilayah.

Serangan itu mengejutkan Kanada yang tidak gunakan kepada keganasan itu di acara-acara politik. Terdapat telah menjadi satu siri yang luar biasa berprofil tinggi tembakan di Kanada tahun ini, termasuk satu di sebuah pusat membeli-belah Toronto popular dengan pelancong. Kanada telah lama bimbang bahawa keganasan senjata yang lebih sering dilihat di Amerika Syarikat boleh menjadi lebih biasa di negara mereka.

Wabak itu terakhir keganasan politik utama di Quebec berlaku pada tahun 1970-an apabila tentera Kanada telah dikerahkan kerana peristiwa perbuatan pengganas oleh kumpulan yang menuntut kemerdekaan. Pada tahun 1970, ahli-ahli FLQ militan yang diculik dan membunuh menteri buruh Quebec dan kemudian diculik, kemudian dibebaskan, seorang diplomat British.

Berikutnya "Oktober Krisis" telah dianggap sebagai salah satu daripada tempoh paling gelap dalam sejarah Kanada moden. Tentera Kanada meronda jalan-jalan di Quebec dan penjara bersimpati FLQ dikatakan, kebanyakan mereka kemudiannya didapati tidak bersalah mempunyai apa-apa hubungan FLQ.

Suspek dalam menembak Selasa adalah seorang lelaki set berat memakai ski hitam atau topeng Balaclava, cermin mata dan jubah biru atas baju hitam dan seluar hitam. Polis tidak mengenal pasti apa senjata dia, tetapi rakaman kamera menunjukkan sepucuk pistol dan senapang di tempat kejadian. Polis berkata, tidak ada sebab untuk mempercayai orang lain terlibat.

Polis berkata, seorang lelaki berusia 48 tahun telah diisytiharkan mati di tempat kejadian dan seorang lelaki 27-tahun cedera tetapi akan bertahan. Seorang lelaki ke-3 telah dirawat untuk kejutan. Polis tidak mengenal pasti mangsa, tetapi mereka bekerja di syarikat pengeluaran Productions du Grand Bambou Inc, orang yang menjawab telefon di syarikat Montreal mengesahkan.

Orang ramai nampaknya menyedari apa yang berlaku apabila Marois telah ‘whisked’ dari pentas. Perdana Menteri Kanada Stephen Harper berkata dalam satu kenyataan bahawa beliau "marah dan sedih" dengan tembakan. "Ia merupakan hari yang tragis di mana menjalankan demokrasi dipenuhi dengan perbuatan keganasan," kata Harper. Beliau menambah, "perbuatan kejam ini tidak akan dibiarkan dan keganasan itu tidak mempunyai tempat di Kanada."

Harper berkata dia bercakap dengan Marois. Keluar Liberal Premier Jean Charest, yang mengumumkan beliau meletak jawatan sebagai pemimpin parti selepas 28 tahun dalam politik dan selepas memerintah Quebec selama hampir satu dekad, berkata penembak telah menghantar gelombang kejutan di wilayah.

"Quebec telah melanda secara langsung di dalam hati" oleh penembakkan, beliau berkata, memanggil ia "satu perbuatan gila bahawa tiada apa-apa jua yang mewajarkan atau menerangkan." Polis berkata penyiasat melakukan carian awal kenderaan suspek untuk menentukan sama ada ia mengandungi bahan letupan dan melalui sekali lagi dalam memburu petunjuk mereka.

Bain memiliki memburu di resort memancing berhampiran kawasan resort ski Mont Tremblant, Quebec, kira-kira 90 batu (145 kilometer) utara Montreal. Satu senarai ahli Mont Tremblant Chamber of Commerce menerangkan Richard Bain sebagai pemilik Les aktiviti Rick, yang menggalakkan dirinya sebagai destinasi utama fly-fishing. Laman web, bagaimanapun, telah dirobohkan Rabu dengan mesej "Akaun ini telah digantung." Nombor telefon yang disenaraikan adalah keluar dari perkhidmatan.

Marie-France Brisson, ketua pengarah di perbandaran La Conception, berkata Bain adalah seorang ahli perniagaan tempatan yang sibuk yang kerap bertemu dengan pegawai-pegawai masyarakat, terutamanya untuk mengembangkan aktiviti luar. Permintaan beliau termasuk hak eksklusif untuk tanah tempatan, yang melibatkan proses yang rumit yang kadang-kadang Bain kecewa, katanya.

Brisson berkata Bain diuruskan dengan mereka dalam bahasa Perancis, bukan bahasa Inggeris, walaupun ia telah dipecahkan Perancis. Beliau mengadu mengenai kerenah birokrasi, tetapi tidak ada ledakan tentang bahasa, katanya. Brisson berkata dia lepas menyaksikan Bain dalam beberapa minggu kebelakangan ini dan tiada perubahan dalam sikap yang luar biasa.

Jean Benoit Daigneault, bantuan pelancongan dan piagam syarikat helikopter Heli-Tremblant, berkata kedua-dua bertemu beberapa kali, tetapi dia tidak sedar apa-apa kesedihan Bain dengan PQ. Pihak pemisah memenangi pilihan raya wilayah Selasa tetapi gagal untuk memenangi majoriti kerusi perundangan.

Walaupun Parti Quebec mahu wilayah untuk berpisah dari Kanada, kemenangan adalah mungkin isyarat dorongan baru untuk kemerdekaan. Pungutan pendapat menunjukkan selera makan yang sedikit untuk referendum pemisah. Referendums Previous pada separatisme telah ditolak oleh pengundi pada tahun 1980 dan 1995.

Penganalisis berkata kemenangan PQ mempunyai lebih untuk melakukan dengan keletihan dengan Liberal selepas 3 penggal. Marois dirinya telah meninggalkan ketidaktentuan banyak mengenai jika dan apabila referendum akan diadakan. Tetapi parti beliau akan menolak untuk lebih autonomi daripada kerajaan persekutuan.

Serangan itu berlaku hanya selepas Marois mula bercakap dalam bahasa Inggeris - kejadian yang jarang berlaku dalam ucapannya pada acara PQ partisan. Beliau telah dijanjikan Quebecers berbahasa Inggeris bahawa hak-hak mereka akan dilindungi, berikutan kempen emosi yang menyaksikan tumpuan parti beliau mengenai isu-isu bahasa dan identiti.

Terdahulu pada sebelah petang, orang-orang di khalayak ramai mencemuh apabila mereka mendengar Charest bertutur dalam Bahasa Inggeris dalam ucapan konsesi beliau. PQ telah berkata ia akan mendapatkan pemindahan kuasa daripada kerajaan persekutuan di kawasan seperti insurans pekerjaan dan dasar imigresen. Jika langkah-langkah ditolak, parti itu percaya ia akan mempunyai kes yang kuat untuk kemerdekaan.

Sebelum penembakan, Charest, yang kehilangan kerusi pemasangan sendiri, mengucapkan tahniah Marois menjadi perdana menteri pertama wanita Quebec. Beliau berkata bahawa dia akan mengetuai kerajaan minoriti dan berkata keputusan bercakap "kepada hakikat bahawa masa depan Quebec terletak dalam Kanada."

Charest dipanggil pilihan raya lebih daripada setahun sebelum dia terpaksa, memetik rusuhan di jalan-jalan kerana bantahan pelajar awal tahun ini berbanding kenaikan tuisyen. Marois berkata Rabu dia membatalkan kenaikan tuisyen.

Marois pertama kali dipilih untuk Perhimpunan Kebangsaan Quebec pada tahun 1981. Beliau bersara pada tahun 2006 tetapi kembali untuk menjadi pemimpin PQ setahun kemudian selepas pendahulu beliau tewas kepada Charest dalam pilihan raya yang mendarat PQ di tempat k-3. Dia kemudiannya hilang ke Charest dalam 2008.

Gillies melaporkan dari Toronto.

Pauline Marois
Pauline Marois – Photo: AP

Quebec Election
Quebec Election – Photo: AP

Photo: AP

Photo: AP

Pauline Marois
Pauline Marois – Photo: AP

WORLD News ‘Suspect IDed in Quebec election 
rally shooting’ . . .

Pauline Marois,
Pauline Marois, – Photo: AP

MONTREAL (AP) - Police on Wednesday interrogated a man accused of opening fire at a midnight victory rally for Quebec's new separatist premier, but police said the suspect's rambling statements in French and English yielded no immediate motive for the shooting that killed one.

A police official identified the suspect as Richard Henry Bain, 62, from La Conception, Quebec. The police official spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because the suspect has not been charged yet.

Police said Bain will likely appear in court on Thursday morning. Quebec provincial police earlier Wednesday said a masked gunman wearing a bathrobe opened fire just outside the building where Pauline Marois of the separatist Parti Quebecois was giving her victory speech.

The gunman was heard shouting "The English are waking up!" in French as police dragged him away. Marois was whisked off the stage by guards while giving her speech and was not injured. "I am deeply affected by this but I have to go forward and assume my responsibilities," Marois said Wednesday.

"In spite of this tragedy we must say Quebec is a non-violent society. An act of folly cannot rid us of this reality," she added. Marois, who at 63 became Quebec's first female premier, called the shooting an isolated event and said it was probably a case of person that "has serious health issues."

When she first went back stage, Marois said she saw that somebody was wounded and that there was a fire outside, but she thought everything was under control. Police said the suspect lit a small fire before he was arrested.

It was not clear if the gunman was trying to shoot Marois, whose party favors separation from Canada for the French-speaking province. Lieut. Guy Lapointe of the Quebec provincial police said earlier the suspect was taken to a hospital during the interrogation, but his life was not in danger.

"We can't establish at this point what the motive or intent was. Was he targeting Madame Marois? I'll tell you a lot of things were said by this individual after they arrested him, in French and English," Lapointe said.

Police had dealt with the suspect previously for a minor incident, Lapointe said. Marois was giving her victory speech to hundreds of supporters at the Metropolis auditorium. She had just declared her firm conviction that Quebec needs to be a sovereign country before she was pulled off the stage.

"What's going on?" Marois told her security detail as they grabbed her arms and dragged her away during the celebration of her party's victory in Tuesday's provincial election. Police initially said the gunman made it into the building, but now believe he opened fired just outside in the back alley. The gunman then set a small fire before he was captured, police said. Lapointe said he didn't put up any resistance.

Marois returned to the stage after the shooting and asked the crowd to disperse peacefully, and then seemed to finish her speech. She left the hall amid a tight cordon of provincial police bodyguards.

The attack shocked Canadians who are not used to such violence at political events. There has been an unusual series of high-profile shootings in Canada this year, including one at a Toronto shopping mall popular with tourists. Canadians have long worried that gun violence more often seen in the U.S. could become more common in their country.

That last outbreak of major political violence in Quebec occurred in the 1970s when Canadian soldiers were deployed because of a spate of terrorist acts by a group seeking independence. In 1970, members of the militant FLQ kidnapped and killed Quebec's labor minister and later abducted, then freed, a British diplomat.

The subsequent "October Crisis" was considered one of the darkest periods in modern Canadian history. Canadian troops patrolled the streets of Quebec and jailed alleged FLQ sympathizers, most of whom were later found innocent of having any FLQ ties.

The suspect in Tuesday's shooting was a heavy-set man wearing a black ski or balaclava mask, glasses and a blue bathrobe over a black shirt and black shorts. Police didn't identify what weapons he had, but camera footage showed a pistol and a rifle at the scene. Police said there is no reason to believe anyone else was involved.

Police said a 48-year-old man was pronounced dead at the scene and a 27-year-old man was wounded but would survive. A third man was treated for shock. Police didn't identify the victims, but they worked at production company Productions du Grand Bambou Inc, a person answering the phone at the Montreal company confirmed.

The crowd was apparently unaware of what happened when Marois was whisked off the stage. Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper said in a statement that he was "angered and saddened" by the shooting. "It is a tragic day where an exercise of democracy is met with an act of violence," Harper said. He added, "This atrocious act will not be tolerated and such violence has no place in Canada."

Harper said he spoke with Marois. Outgoing Liberal Premier Jean Charest, who announced he is stepping down as party leader after 28 years in politics and after ruling Quebec for nearly a decade, said the shooting has sent shockwaves in the province.

"Quebec has been struck directly in the heart" by the shooting, he said, calling it "an act of madness that nothing justifies or explains." Police said investigators did preliminary search of the suspect's vehicle to determine whether it contained explosives and were going through it again in their hunt for clues.

Bain owns a hunting and fishing resort near the ski resort area of Mont Tremblant, Quebec, about 90 miles (145 kilometers) north of Montreal. A list of members of the Mont Tremblant Chamber of Commerce describes Richard Bain as the owner of Les Activités Rick, which promotes itself as a major fly-fishing destination. The site, however, was pulled down Wednesday with the message "This account has been suspended." The phone number listed was out of service.

Marie-France Brisson, director general in the municipality of La Conception, said Bain was a busy local businessman who frequently met with community officials, notably to expand his outdoor activities. His requests included exclusive rights to local land, which involved complicated processes that sometimes frustrated Bain, she said.

Brisson said Bain dealt with them in French, not English, though it was broken French. He complained about red tape, but there were no outbursts about language, she added. Brisson said she last saw Bain in recent weeks and there was no change in his usual demeanor.

Jean Benoit Daigneault, of tour and charter helicopter company Heli-tremblant, said the two met on a few occasions, but he wasn't aware of any grief Bain had with the PQ. The separatist party won Tuesday's provincial election but failed to win a majority of legislative seats.

Though the Parti Quebecois wants the province to break away from Canada, its victory is unlikely to signal a new push for independence. Opinion polls show little appetite for a separatist referendum. Previous referendums on separatism were rejected by voters in 1980 and 1995.

Analysts said the PQ victory had more to do with weariness with the Liberals after three terms. Marois herself has left much uncertainty about if and when a referendum would be held. But her party will push for more autonomy from the federal government.

The attack took place just after Marois began speaking in English - a rare occurrence in a speech at a partisan PQ event. She had promised English-speaking Quebecers that their rights would be protected, following an emotionally charged campaign that saw her party focus on language-and-identity issues.

Earlier in the evening, people in the crowd booed when they heard Charest speak English in his concession speech. The PQ has said it would seek a transfer of powers from the federal government in areas like employment insurance and immigration policy. If those measures are rejected, the party believes it would have a stronger case for independence.

Before the shooting, Charest, who lost his own assembly seat, congratulated Marois on becoming Quebec's first female premier. He noted that she would be leading a minority government and said the results speak "to the fact that the future of Quebec lies within Canada."

Charest called the election more than a year before he had to, citing unrest in the streets due to student protests earlier this year over tuition hikes. Marois said Wednesday she is cancelling the tuition hikes.

Marois was first elected to Quebec's National Assembly in 1981. She retired in 2006 but returned to become PQ leader a year later after her predecessor lost to Charest in an election that landed the PQ in third place. She in turn lost to Charest in 2008.

Gillies reported from Toronto.

WORLD News ‘Gempa bumi Berkuasa dilaporkan 
di Costa Rica’ . . .


CANGREJAL, Costa Rica (AP) - Berkuasa, magnitud 7.6 gempa bumi menggegarkan Costa Rica dan petak yang luas Amerika Tengah pada hari Rabu, runtuh beberapa rumah, menyekat lebuh raya dan menyebabkan panik dan sekurang-kurangnya satu kematian akibat serangan jantung.

Presiden Costa Rica Laura Chinchilla mengumumkan tiada laporan kerosakan besar dan dipanggil untuk tenang. Pada episenter, bandar pantai Cangrejal, Jairo Zuniga, 27, berkata, segala-galanya di dalam rumahnya jatuh apabila gempa bumi itu melanda pada 08:42 (10:42 EDT; 1442 GMT).

"Ia adalah amat kuat. Saya berasa gempa bumi, tetapi yang satu ini adalah 'wow,' katanya. Kajian Geologi Amerika Syarikat berkata gempa bumi itu berpusat kira-kira 38 batu (60 kilometer) dari bandar Liberia dan 87 batu (140 kilometer) barat ibu kota San Jose, di mana orang yang ketakutan berlari ke jalan-jalan.

Magnitud pada mulanya dianggarkan pada kadar 7.9, tetapi telah diturunkan dengan cepat. Penduduk tempatan berkata ia bergegar selama kira-kira 30 saat dan telah dirasai sejauh Panama dan jiran Nicaragua, di mana sekolah telah dibatalkan di sesetengah kawasan.

Pegawai mulanya memberi amaran tsunami mungkin, dan polis tempatan penyelia Jose Angel Gomez berkata kira-kira 5,000 orang – 80% peratus daripada penduduk - telah dipindahkan dari bandar-bandar pantai di Samara daerah barat pusat gempa. Tetapi oleh tengah hari mereka telah dibenarkan pulang.

Panama juga secara ringkas dipanggil bagi orang-orang untuk mengosongkan kawasan pantai. Di Costa Rica, seorang lelaki mati akibat serangan jantung yang disebabkan oleh ketakutan, kata Carlos Miranda, seorang pekerja Palang Merah di bandar Liberia. Douglas Salgado, seorang ahli geografi dengan Suruhanjaya Kebangsaan Costa Rica itu Pencegahan Risiko dan Perhatian Kecemasan, berkata pegawai tanah runtuh melanda di lebuh raya utama yang menghubungkan ibu kota San Jose-Pasifik pantai bandar-Puntarenas, dan hotel dan lain-lain struktur mengalami keretakan di dinding dan barangan saw mengetuk dari rak.

Rosa Pichardo, 45, yang tinggal di Samara, berjalan di pantai dengan keluarganya apabila gempa melanda. "Apabila kita merasakan gempa bumi, kami diadakan pada satu sama lain kerana kita terus jatuh," berkata Pichardo. "Saya tidak pernah merasakan apa-apa seperti ini. Kita tidak boleh ditatapkan berdiri. Ia adalah dahsyat, dahsyat."

Dalam bandar Hojancha beberapa batu (kilometer) dari pusat itu, bandar rasmi Kenia Campos berkata gempa bumi itu dilanggar beberapa rumah dan tanah runtuh menyekat beberapa jalan raya. "Setakat ini, kami tidak mempunyai mangsa," katanya. "Orang yang benar-benar takut . . . Kami mempunyai gempa sederhana tetapi gempa bumi (kuat) ini tidak pernah berlaku dalam lebih daripada 50 tahun."

Michelle Landwer, pemilik Hotel Belvedere di Samara, utara pusat itu, berkata beliau sedang bersarapan pagi bersama kira-kira 10 orang apabila gempa bumi melanda. "Bangunan keseluruhan telah bergerak, saya tidak boleh berjalan," Landwer katanya. "Di sini di bangunan saya tiada kerosakan. Semuanya telah jatuh, seperti cermin mata dan segala-galanya."

Di bandar pantai Nosara, kira-kira 20 batu (30 kilometer) barat daya pusat itu, pokok-pokok berjabat ganas dan jawatan cahaya terpengaruh. Guru mengejar pelajar sekolah rendah luar sebagai gempa bumi melanda. Jalan retak dan talian kuasa jatuh ke tanah.

Gempa Rabu berlaku dalam zon seismically aktif di mana plat tektonik Cocos ialah menyelam di bawah plat Caribbean. "Semua di sepanjang pantai Pasifik Amerika Tengah, anda boleh mengharapkan gempa bumi yang agak besar," kata seismologi Daniel McNamara US Geological Survey.

Gempa bumi itu adalah agak mendalam - 25 batu (41 kilometer) di bawah permukaan. Gempa yang berlaku lebih mendalam bawah tanah cenderung untuk menjadi kurang merosakkan, tetapi lebih meluas dirasai. "Jika ia adalah satu acara yang cetek, ia akan menjadi bahaya yang jauh lebih tinggi," katanya.

Dalam empat dekad yang lalu, rantau ini telah menggegarkan sebanyak 30 gempa bumi 6-magnitud  dan yang lebih besar. 2 adalah lebih besar daripada 7-magnitud - pada tahun 1978 dan 1990 - tetapi tidak menyebabkan sebarang kematian. Gempa bumi terakhir berbahaya untuk menyerang Costa Rica adalah pada tahun 2009, apabila 40 mati dalam gempa bumi magnitud 6,1. Terakhir gempa bumi bersaiz serupa untuk melanda negara ialah pada tahun 1991 apabila 47 orang terbunuh di kawasan Limon-Pandora.

Associated Press penulis Jack Chang, E. Eduardo Castillo, Olga R. Rodriguez, Santiago Torrado dan Anita Salji menyumbang kepada laporan ini dari Mexico City dan Cesar Barrantes dari San Jose, Costa Rica. AP Sains Penulis Alicia Chang menyumbang dari Los Angeles.

Photo: AP

Photo: AP

Photo: AP

Photo: AP

Photo: AP

WORLD News ‘Powerful earthquake reported 
in Costa Rica’ . . .


CANGREJAL, Costa Rica (AP) - A powerful, magnitude-7.6 earthquake shook Costa Rica and a wide swath of Central America on Wednesday, collapsing some houses, blocking highways and causing panic and at least one death from a heart attack.

Costa Rica President Laura Chinchilla announced there were no reports of major damage and called for calm. At the epicenter, the beach town of Cangrejal, Jairo Zuniga, 27, said everything in his house fell when the quake hit at 8:42 a.m. (10:42 a.m. EDT; 1442 GMT).

"It was incredibly strong. I've felt earthquakes, but this one was 'wow,' he said. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake was centered about 38 miles (60 kilometers) from the town of Liberia and 87 miles (140 kilometers) west of the capital, San Jose, where frightened people ran into the streets.

The magnitude initially was estimated at 7.9, but was quickly downgraded. Local residents said it shook for about 30 seconds and was felt as far away as neighboring Panama and Nicaragua, where school was canceled in some areas.

Officials initially warned of a possible tsunami, and local police supervisor Jose Angel Gomez said about 5,000 people - 80 percent of the population - had been evacuated from coastal towns in the Samara district west of the quake's epicenter. But by mid-day they were allowed to return.

Panama also briefly called for people to evacuate beach areas. In Costa Rica, one man died of a heart attack caused by fright, said Carlos Miranda, a Red Cross worker in the city of Liberia. Douglas Salgado, a geographer with Costa Rica's National Commission of Risk Prevention and Emergency Attention, said officials a landslide hit the main highway that connects the capital of San Jose to the Pacific coast city of Puntarenas, and hotels and other structures suffered cracks in walls and saw items knocked off shelves.

Rosa Pichardo, 45, who lives in Samara, was walking on the beach with her family when the quake hit. "When we felt the earthquake, we held onto each other because we kept falling," Pichardo said. "I've never felt anything like this. We just couldn't stay standing. My feet gave out under me. It was terrible, terrible."

In the town of Hojancha a few miles (kilometers) from the epicenter, city official Kenia Campos said the quake knocked down some houses and landslides blocked several roads. "So far, we don't have victims," she said. "People were really scared . . . We have had moderate quakes but an earthquake (this strong) hadn't happened in more than 50 years."

Michelle Landwer, owner of the Belvedere Hotel in Samara, north of the epicenter, said she was having breakfast with about 10 people when the earthquake struck. "The whole building was moving, I couldn't even walk," Landwer said. "Here in my building there was no real damage. Everything was falling, like glasses and everything."

In the coastal town of Nosara, roughly 20 miles (30 kilometers) southwest of the epicenter, trees shook violently and light posts swayed. Teachers chased primary school students outside as the quake hit. Roads cracked and power lines fell to the ground.

Wednesday's quake occurred in a seismically active zone where the Cocos tectonic plate is diving beneath the Caribbean plate. "All along the Pacific coast of Central America, you can expect fairly big earthquakes," said seismologist Daniel McNamara of the U.S. Geological Survey.

The quake was somewhat deep - 25 miles (41 kilometers) below the surface. Quakes that occur deeper underground tend to be less damaging, but more widely felt. "If it was a shallower event, it would be a significantly higher hazard," he said.

In the last four decades, the region was rocked by 30 earthquakes magnitude-6 and larger. Two were larger than magnitude-7 - in 1978 and 1990 - but did not cause any deaths. The last deadly quake to strike Costa Rica was in 2009, when 40 died in a magnitude-6.1 temblor. The last similar-sized quake to hit the country was in 1991 when 47 people were killed in the Limon-Pandora area.

Associated Press writers Jack Chang, E. Eduardo Castillo , Olga R. Rodriguez, Santiago Torrado and Anita Snow contributed to this report from Mexico City and Cesar Barrantes from San Jose, Costa Rica. AP Science Writer Alicia Chang contributed from Los Angeles.

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