Presiden Barack Obama melemparkan bola sepak di padang di Soldier Field selepas makan malam NATO bekerja di Chicago, Illinois. (President Barack Obama throws a football on the field at Soldier Field following the NATO working dinner in Chicago, Illinois).
Sorotan NFL Juara di White House . . .
Blog White House - Anda tahu musim panas adalah pada penutup dan jatuh adalah di atas kita apabila musim NFL biasanya bermula, dan hari ini, Dallas Cowboys dan NFL tahun lepas juara New York Giants akan ‘kick-off’ musim di rumah. Jun ini yang lalu Presiden Obama menjadi tuan rumah 2012 Giants NFL Juara di White House mengucapkan tahniah kepada mereka atas kemenangan mereka - hanya kerana dia dihoskan juara lalu, termasuk Steelers, Saints, Packers, dan walaupun 1985 Chicago Bears. Dalam penghormatan ‘kickoff’ pada malam ini, kita telah menghimpunkan beberapa acara kemuncak lawatan NFL Juara ke White House. ‘Check it out’.
Highlights of NFL Champions at the White House . . .
The White House Blog - You know summer is at a close and fall is upon us when the NFL regular season begins, and today, the Dallas Cowboys and last year’s NFL champion New York Giants will kick-off the season at home. This past June President Obama hosted the 2012 NFL Champion Giants at the White House to congratulate them on their victory -- just as he's hosted past champions, including the Steelers, the Saints, the Packers, and even the 1985 Chicago Bears. In honor of tonight's kickoff, we've pulled together some highlights of NFL Champions’ visits to the White House. Check it out.

Presiden Barack Obama condong pada bola sepak semasa membuat panggilan telefon di Pejabat Oval pada 24 Jun, 2009. (President Barack Obama leans on a football while making a phone call in the Oval Office on June 24, 2009).

Presiden Barack Obama menerima Green Bay Packers stock perakuan daripada cornerback Charles Woodson Portico Selatan (President Barack Obama receives a Green Bay Packers stock certificate from cornerback Charles Woodson on the South Portico . . .)
We the People: 3 Juta Tandatangan Kemudian . . .
Tahun lepas, White House melancarkan satu alat baru yang dipanggil Kami Rakyat (We the People,), yang menawarkan cara yang ampuh dan mudah untuk petisyen Pentadbiran Obama untuk mengambil tindakan ke atas pelbagai isu. Jika petisyen mengumpulkan tandatangan cukup, pegawai dasar mengkaji dan menyiarkan suatu sambutan rasmi. Dari awal, Kami populariti Rakyat melebihi jangkaan kami. Lebih 600,000 tandatangan telah diterima dalam 11 hari pertama dan dalam masa 2 minggu, 81 petisyen telah mencapai di ambang tandatangan awal sebanyak 5,000 tandatangan dalam tempoh 30 hari.
Meningkatkan ambang 25,0000 tandatangan dalam tempoh 30 hari membolehkan kita untuk mengimbangi sumber kami dan memberi tumpuan kepada menyediakan respons yang berkualiti dan susulan ‘engagement’. Walau bagaimanapun, sejak Oktober 3, 2011, kita telah masih mempunyai tambahan 30 petisyen di ambang baru. Lihat peta tandatangan petisyen mengikut lokasi.
Banyak kali, petisyen posted Kami Rakyat mempunyai kesan sebenar ke atas membuat dasar. Sebagai contoh, populariti dua petisyen mengenai cetak rompak dalam talian (aka SOPA & BATERE) terhablur kedudukan Pentadbiran berhubung isu itu, yang pertama kali diperincikan dalam aresponse Kami Rakyat. Sebagai tindak balas kepada petisyen menuntut pengawasan kuat penternak komersial yang menjual anak anjing talian (response on We the People. In response to a petition demanding stronger oversight of commercial breeders who sell puppies online), Jabatan Pertanian Amerika Syarikat mengumumkan bahawa mereka telah membangunkan peraturan yang dicadangkan yang akan meliputi penternak internet di bawah Akta Kebajikan Haiwan. Setelah pemerintahan terbuka untuk komen awam, penandatangan petisyen telah dijemput untuk memberi komen.
Daftar keluar fakta utama pasangan dan angka tentang Kita Orang platform di bawah. Bersedia untuk membuat atau menandatangani petisyen sekarang? Bermula di
We the People: 3 Million Signatures Later . . .
Last year, the White House launched a new tool called We the People, offering a powerful and simple way to petition the Obama Administration to take action on a range of issues. If a petition gathers enough signatures, policy officials review it and publish an official response. From the beginning, We the People's popularity exceeded our expectations. Over 600,000 signatures were received in the first 11 days and within two weeks, 81 petitions had reached the initial signature threshold of 5,000 signatures within 30 days. Raising the threshold to 25,0000 signatures within 30 days allowed us to balance our resources and focus on providing quality response and follow-up engagement. However, since October 3, 2011, we've still had an additional 30 petitions cross the new threshold. View a map of petition signatures by location.
Many times, petitions posted on We the People have a real impact on policy-making. For example, the popularity of two petitions concerning online piracy (a.k.a. SOPA & PIPA) crystallized the Administration’s position on the issue, which was first detailed in a response on We the People. In response to a petition demanding stronger oversight of commercial breeders who sell puppies online, the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced they were developing a proposed rule that would cover internet breeders under the Animal Welfare Act. Once the rule was open for public comment, petition signers were invited to comment.
Check out a couple key facts and figures about the We the People platform below. Ready to create or sign a petition now? Get started at WhiteHouse.gov/WeThePeople.

Visiting the White House, "Anytime, Anywhere,
and on Any Device" . . .
Hari ini, kami teruja untuk mengumumkan beberapa perubahan besar kepada cara anda menyambung dengan White House. Lebih ramai rakyat Amerika bergantung pada tablet dan telefon pintar untuk berita dan maklumat berbanding sebelum ini dan kita telah pasti melihat trend ini dicerminkan di WhiteHouse.gov. Sejak 2 tahun yang lalu bilangan kunjungan mudah alih ke tapak telah 3 kali ganda, mencapai 15,17% daripada jumlah trafik. Dalam usaha untuk memenuhi permintaan yang semakin meningkat ini, kami telah dilancarkan semula House keseluruhan program bimbit White House, membuat ia lebih mudah untuk melihat apa yang berlaku di 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Pertama, kita dirombak versi mudah alih WhiteHouse.gov, memberikan wajah baru dan membuat lebih daripada 99% daripada tapak disediakan kepada pengguna mudah alih. Kami juga telah mengeluarkan versi baru aplikasi White House untuk iPhone dan Android, membina semula mereka dari bawah dan menambah beberapa ciri baru. Untuk pertama kalinya, aplikasi ini juga serasi sepenuhnya dengan tablet iPad dan Android.

Visiting the White House, "Anytime, Anywhere,
and on Any Device" . . .
Today, we're excited to announce some big changes to the way you connect with the White House. More Americans rely on tablets and smart phones for news and information than ever before and we've certainly seen these trends reflected at WhiteHouse.gov. Over the past two years the number of mobile visits to the site has tripled, reaching 15.17% of total traffic. In order to meet this growing demand, we've relaunched the entire White House mobile program, making it even easier to see what's going on at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
First, we revamped the mobile version of WhiteHouse.gov, giving it a new look and making more than 99% of the site available to mobile users. We've also released new versions of the White House apps for the iPhone and Android, rebuilding them from the ground up and adding several new features. For the first time, these apps are also fully compatible with the iPad and Android tablets.
3 Cara untuk Explore The White House dari Rumah . . .
The White House tidak hanya rumah kepada Keluarga Pertama atau ruang mesyuarat untuk pemimpin-pemimpin DUNIA. Ia juga dikenali sebagai "Dewan Rakyat" - tempat yang harus terbuka kepada semua orang. Dan itulah sebabnya Presiden dan Puan Obama telah menjadikan ia satu keutamaan untuk menjemput orang muda, keluarga tentera, dan rakyat Amerika daripada semua peringkat umur untuk menyertai mereka di sini di White House.
Dan, kerana mengalaminya White House tidak harus terhad kepada mereka yang mampu untuk melawatinya, Pentadbiran Obama telah bekerja keras untuk menawarkan akses yang pernah berlaku sebelum ini yang membuka Dewan Rakyat kepada pengunjung maya juga.
Jadi, sama ada anda berada di rumah di California atau di sekolah di Maine, membiarkan jari anda melakukan berjalan dan mengambil ini sebagai jemputan rasmi anda untuk melihat White House. Berikut adalah 3 cara yang baik untuk memulakan.
Belajar mengenai White House dan banyak bilik yang bersejarah di dalam Dewan Rakyat di 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Sebagai sebahagian daripada Presiden dan komitmen Puan Obama untuk membuka White House sebagai ramai rakyat Amerika yang baik mungkin, kita telah bekerjasama dengan Projek Seni Google dan membenarkan kamera View Street 360 mereka untuk menangkap bilik yang dipaparkan di lawatan awam. Kini sesiapa sahaja, di mana-mana, boleh mengalami sejarah dan seni White House melalui komputer mereka.
Ahli projek Seni Google dan Google Street View pasukan baru-baru ini datang ke White House untuk mewujudkan satu cara baru untuk orang-orang untuk melawat White House. Sila lihat pada proses yang masuk ke dalam mewujudkan berjalan kaki ijazah maya 360 melalui pelancongan awam White House. Sila lihat di dalam White House pada
Members of the Google Art project and the Google Street View team recently came to the White House to create a new way for people to tour the White House. Take a look at the process that went into creating a 360 degree virtual walk through of the White House public tour. Take a look inside the White House at
The White House video, pasukan mencipta satu siri video yang membawa anda di sebalik tabir beberapa setiap hari - dan tidak begitu setiap hari - aktiviti yang mengambil tempat di White House. Pernah ingin mahu tahu apa yang berlaku di dalam bilik situasi White House, belajar lebih lanjut mengenai 10 huruf daripada rakyat Amerika bahawa Presiden Obama membaca setiap hari, atau mengambil puncak pada proses penyediaan Negeri Alamat Kesatuan Presiden? Sekarang adalah peluang anda.
The White House video team created a series of videos that take you behind the scenes of some of the everyday - and not so every day - activities that take place at the White House. Ever wanted to know what goes on inside the White House situation room, learn more about the 10 letters from the American people that President Obama reads every day, or take a peak at the process of preparing the President’s State of the Union Address? Now’s your chance.
Kelihatan eksklusif di dalam salah satu kawasan yang paling selamat di negara ini, Bilik Situasi White House. 18 Disember, 2009 (Domain Awam) (An exclusive look inside one of the most secure spaces in the country, the White House Situation Room. December 18, 2009) (Public Domain)
Setiap hari, Presiden Obama membaca 10 surat daripada orang ramai dalam usaha untuk kekal dalam selaras dengan isu-isu dan kebimbangan Amerika. "Surat kepada Presiden" adalah satu eksklusif, belakang-tabir melihat pada proses bagaimana mereka 10 huruf membuat ia ke meja Presiden dari kalangan puluhan ribu surat, faks, dan e-mel membanjir White House setiap hari. 3 Ogos, 2009.
Every day, President Obama reads ten letters from the public in order to stay in tune with America's issues and concerns. "Letters to the President" is an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at the process of how those ten letters make it to the President's desk from among the tens of thousands of letters, faxes, and e-mails that flood the White House each day. August 3, 2009.
Tontoni rakaman sebalik tabir dan temu bual dari pembuatan Negeri Presiden Barack Obama 2011 Alamat Kesatuan. Penasihat Kanan kepada Presiden David Axelrod dan Pengarah Speechwriting Jon Favreau memberi lihat dalam yang jarang berlaku pada proses di sebalik alamat Presiden.
Watch behind-the-scenes footage and interviews from the making of President Barack Obama's 2011 State of the Union Address. Senior Advisor to the President David Axelrod and Director of Speechwriting Jon Favreau give a rare inside look at the process behind the President's address.
Three Ways to Explore the White House from Home . . .
The White House isn’t just a home to First Families or meeting space for world leaders. It’s also known as "The People’s House" -- a place that should be open to everyone. And that’s why President and Mrs. Obama have made it a priority to invite young people, military families, and Americans of all ages to join them here at the White House.
And, because experiencing the White House shouldn't be limited to the those who are able to visit in person, the Obama Administration has worked hard to offer unprecedented access that opens up the People's House to virtual visitors as well.
So, whether you're at home in California or at school in Maine, let your fingers do the walking and take this as your formal invitation to see the White House. Here's three great ways to get started.
Learn about the White House grounds and many of the historic rooms inside the People’s House at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
As part of President and Mrs. Obama’s commitment to open the White House to as many Americans as possible, we have partnered with the Google Art Project and allowed their 360 Street View cameras to capture the rooms that are featured on the public tour. Now anyone, anywhere, can experience the history and art of the White House via their computer.
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