Presiden Bashar al-Assad Menunaikan Eid al-Fitr Solat di Masjid Al-Hamad (Syria News 19 August 2012. Pres Bashar al-Assad Performed Eid al-Fitr Prayers at Al-Hamad Mosque) . . .
*Presiden Bashar al-Assad Menunaikan Eid al-Fitr Solat di Masjid Al-Hamad dalam Mohajirin *Angkatan Bersenjata foil Unit penyusupan Percubaan Pengganas dari Perwakilan Lubnan * Menteri Syria ke Rusia: Moscow Mengambil pendirian Jelas Kepentingan orang Syria *(President Bashar al-Assad Performed Eid al-Fitr Prayers at Al-Hamad Mosque in Mohajirin * Armed Forces Unit Foils Terrorists Infiltration Attempts from Lebanon to Syria * Syrian Ministerial Delegation to Russia: Moscow Takes Clear Stances in the Interests of the Syrians)
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WORLD News ‘Intense fighting rages in Syria's southern city’ . . .
By 1WC’sChannel REVIEW 2012 | earthWatch Monday 20, August 2012
By 1WC’sChannel REVIEW 2012 | earthWatch Monday 20, August 2012
BEIRUT (AP) - Intense pertempuran pada Isnin antara pemberontak dan tentera rejim Syria membunuh 6 orang, termasuk dua kanak-kanak dan 2 orang wanita di bandar selatan Daraa, 2 kumpulan hak asasi berkata.
Pergaduhan yang datang pada hari itu 2 hari raya fitrah, 1 percutian utama Islam yang menandakan berakhirnya bulan yang berpuasa Ramadan, dan 1 hari selepas utusan baru Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu ke Syria mengakui bahawa dia tiada mempunyai idea konkrit untuk menamatkan konflik tersebut .
Lakhdar Brahimi juga berkata dalam temubual Ahad bahawa misinya akan menjadi sukar tanpa kedudukan yang bersatu oleh Majlis Keselamatan Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu. "Masalah ini tiada apa yang saya boleh melakukannya berbeza, bagaimana orang lain akan berkelakuan berbeza," Brahimi memberitahu The Associated Press di rumah Paris beliau pada hari Ahad.
"Jika mereka bercakap dalam satu suara dan jelas menyokong apa yang saya akan lakukan bagi pihak mereka, iaitu apa yang saya perlukan," kata Brahimi sebagai tindak balas kepada apa yang dia mahu dari Majlis Keselamatan. "Tanpa suara yang bersatu dari Majlis Keselamatan, saya fikir ia akan menjadi sukar," tambah bekas menteri asing Algeria.
Keganasan di Daraa, tempat kelahiran pemberontakan di negara ini berusia 18 bulan, hari ini telah dilaporkan oleh Balai Cerap yang berpangkalan di Britain Syria bagi Hak Asasi Manusia dan jawatankuasa Penyelarasan Tempatan. Kedua-dua kumpulan juga melaporkan berjuang merentasi banyak negara lain, dengan keganasan yang paling sengit di pinggir bandar Damsyik dan bandar utara dari Aleppo, dengan skor yang terbunuh atau cedera.
Laporan tidak dapat disahkan akan bebas, tetapi seorang aktivis di kawasan Damsyik, kata-El Mohammed, berkata 7 orang terbunuh dan sekurang-kurangnya 70 lagi cedera apabila pasukan kerajaan mengebom bandar Moadamiyeh dengan kereta kebal dan mortar. Beliau berkata Pembelotan pada hari Ahad sebelah pemberontak 'kira-kira 30 pasukan bersama-sama dengan tangki dari angkatan tentera di kawasan itu mungkin telah di sebalik serangan hari ini.
Mohammed bercakap dengan Skype dari kawasan Damsyik yang lebih besar. Maklumat itu tidak boleh disahkan, tetapi Balai Cerap berkata 5 orang awam dan 3 pemberontak terbunuh dalam serangan di Moadamiyeh. Brahimi telah dinamakan, Jumaat untuk menggantikan bekas Setiausaha Agung PBB Kofi Annan sebagai duta keamanan ke Syria. Beliau berkhidmat sebagai duta PBB di Afghanistan dan Iraq dan membantu merundingkan akhir perang saudara Lubnan sebagai duta Liga Arab.
Beliau berkata misi Annan gagal "kerana masyarakat antarabangsa adalah tidak seperti menyokong kerana beliau perlu mereka." Rusia dan China telah menggunakan kuasa veto mereka di Majlis Keselamatan untuk menyekat tindakan yang disokong oleh Barat dan Arab yang kukuh terhadap rejim Presiden Syria Bashar Assad.
Brahimi telah perjalanan ke New York Ahad. Kemudian dia akan pergi ke Kaherah untuk mesyuarat dengan Liga Arab.

WORLD News ‘Intense fighting rages in Syria's southern city’ . . .
BEIRUT (AP) - Intense fighting on Monday between rebels and Syrian regime forces killed six people, including two children and two women in the southern city of Daraa, two rights groups said.
The fighting comes on the second day of Eid al-Fitr, a major Muslim holiday that marks the end of the fasting month of Ramadan, and a day after the United Nation's new envoy to Syria acknowledged that he had no concrete ideas to end the conflict.
Lakhdar Brahimi also said in a Sunday interview that his mission would be difficult without a unified position by the U.N. Security Council. "The problem is not what I can do differently, it is how others are going to behave differently," Brahimi told The Associated Press at his Paris home on Sunday.
"If they spoke in one voice and were clearly supportive of what I will be doing on their behalf, that is what I need," Brahimi said in response to what he wants from the Security Council. "Without a unified voice from the Security Council, I think it will be difficult," the former Algerian foreign minister added.
Monday's violence in Daraa, birthplace of the country's 18-month-old uprising, was reported by the British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights and the Local Coordination committees. The two groups also reported fighting across much of the rest of the country, with the most intense violence in the suburbs of Damascus and the northern city of Aleppo, with scores killed or wounded.
The reports could not be independently confirmed, but an activist in the Damascus area, El-said Mohammed, said seven people were killed and at least 70 wounded when government forces shelled the town of Moadamiyeh with tanks and mortars. He said the defection on Sunday to the rebels' side of some 30 troops along with a tank from army forces in the area may have been behind Monday's shelling.
Mohammed spoke by Skype from the greater Damascus area. His information could not be verified, but the Observatory said five civilians and three rebels were killed in the shelling in Moadamiyeh. Brahimi was named Friday to replace former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan as peace envoy to Syria. He served as a U.N. envoy in Afghanistan and Iraq and helped negotiate the end of Lebanon's civil war as an Arab League envoy.
He said Annan's mission failed "because the international community was not as supportive as he needed them to be." Russia and China have used their veto power at the Security Council to block strong Western- and Arab-backed action against Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime.
Brahimi was travelling to New York Sunday. Later he will go to Cairo for meetings with the Arab League.