Ejekan Keadilan: 'Tiadakah anak Gaddafi peluang mendapat perbicaraan yang adil di Libya' . . .
TINJAUAN 1WC'sChannel 2012: (1 Jam lalu) RT News - Ejekan Keadilan: 'Tiadakah anak Gaddafi peluang mendapat perbicaraan yang adil di Libya' Menteri dalaman interim Libya meletak jawatan pada hari Isnin di tengah-tengah kebimbangan diperbaharui pertempuran mazhab di negara itu. Ini selepas laman agama Suffi telah dimusnahkan oleh Salafits bersenjata, mencetuskan pergolakan besar-besaran di kawasan itu. Libya masih tidak stabil sejak kebangkitan popular menyebabkan disingkirkan dan kematian lama pemimpin Muammar Gaddafi tahun lepas. Abayomi Azikiwe, editor Berita Pan-Afrika, mendakwa pemerintah semasa negara menyelia pemusnahan masjid dan tidak dapat mengawal negara.
1WC’sChannel REVIEW 2012: (1 hour ago) RT News - Travesty of Justice: 'No chance Gaddafi son gets fair trial in Libya' The Libyan interim interior minister resigned on Monday amid fears of renewed sectarian clashes in the country. This after Suffi religious sites were destroyed by armed Salafits, triggering mass unrest in the area. Libya remains unstable ever since the popular uprising resulted in the ouster and death of its longtime leader Muammar Gaddafi last year. Abayomi Azikiwe, the editor of Pan-African News, claims the country's current rulers supervised the destruction of the mosques and are unable to control the country.
letupan besar sebagai bom WW2 yang diletupkan di Jerman . . .
TINJAUAN 1WC'sChannel 2012: (1 Jam lalu) RT News - 'letupan besar sebagai bom WW2 yang diletupkan di Jerman' pakar Letupan di Jerman meletupkan tinggalan 550-paun (250 kilogram) bom Perang DUNIA II di pusat bandar Munich pada petang Selasa. Pembakaran serpihan disebabkan kebakaran di beberapa bangunan yang berdekatan yang telah dipindahkan selepas bom telah ditemui pada hari Isnin di daerah Schwabing. Lebih daripada 3-ribu penduduk telah dipindahkan. Berpuluh-puluh ribu bom meletup dipercayai masih berbaring di atas tanah di seluruh Jerman.
1WC’sChannel REVIEW 2012: (1 hour ago) RT News - ‘Huge blast as WW2 bomb detonated in Germany’ Explosives experts in Germany detonated the remains of a 550-pound (250 kilogrammes) WORLD War II bomb in central Munich on Tuesday evening. Burning debris caused fires in several nearby buildings that had been evacuated after the bomb was discovered on Monday in the Schwabing district. More than 3-thousand residents were evacuated. Tens of thousands of unexploded bombs are believed still to be lying in the ground across Germany.
Travesty of Justice: 'No chance Gaddafi son gets fair trial in Libya http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzaCD18kJG8&feature=plcp
Huge blast as WW2 bomb detonated in Germany http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENdDKltgfg8&feature=plcp