Monday, 30 July 2012

After Destruction Of Iraq & Libya NATO States Preparing To Kill Another Million To Enslave Syria . . .

Selepas Pemusnahan Iraq & Libya NATO Amerika Bersedia Untuk Bunuh berJuta Satu lagi Untuk menghambakan Syria . . .

TINJAUAN 1WC'sChannel 2012: Trojan Horses pencerobohan NATO - PBB Majlis Hak Asasi Manusia, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, dll adalah antara juara yang paling bersemangat campur tangan Syria dan seterusnya ke Harmagedon.

Syria pertama "cerita bayi inkubator" timbul Ogos lalu. "Tentera kerajaan Syria" telah memotong bekalan elektrik. Ia dengan cepat terdedah sebagai luar dipersoalkan. Antara satu sama lain datang pada 8 Februari, 2012 dengan nombor yang berbeza dari 18 hama buruk 80 berikutnya. Dengan kedua-dua cerita, sebagai versi Iraq, tiada kebingungan ibu bapa atau keluarga yang besar telah ditemui, tiada perhimpunan pengebumian. Kemudian cerita, juga, secara senyap-senyap hilang.

Pengarah Eksekutif baru Amnesty International, Amerika Syarikat, Suzanne Nossel, bekas Penolong Timbalan Hillary Clinton Hal Ehwal Pertubuhan Antarabangsa, di Jabatan Negeri. Beliau juga telah sebelum ini bekerja untuk Human Rights Watch.

Dia: ". . . telah melancarkan beberapa kempen menentang Iran, Libya dan Syria."

Dakwaan bahawa Kuwait memberikan Amnesty US $ 500,000 untuk menyokong Iraq "inkubator bayi" cerita tidak pernah pergi jauh. Tetapi pulau kecil, terkenal pernah dipanggil: "Sebuah syarikat minyak yang menyamar sebagai sebuah negara," dengan penduduk hanya 2595628 (Julai 2011) termasuk 1291354 bukan-warganegara, juga mempunyai pengaruh proksi berkuasa Amerika.

Pada tahun 1999, 1 perjanjian telah ditandatangani di antara Amerika Syarikat dan Kuwait untuk sebuah pasukan Amerika Syarikat yang tetap yang akan ditempatkan di sana dalam 12 kemudahan.

Perjanjian untuk asas, secara kebetulan, telah dinamakan: "Operasi Desert Spring."

Di sini adalah kebetulan. Pada bulan Mac 2010, Libya telah mengundi, berhampiran dengan sebulat suara, kepada Jawatankuasa PBB Hak Manusia, selepas Laporan berbara mengenai hak kemajuan manusia. Selepas kempen ganas oleh Jam Tangan PBB yang berpangkalan di Geneva bukan sahaja mereka diusir, tetapi 19 bulan kemudian, negara mereka musnah binasa, 50000 Libya matidi bawah bom NATO, pemimpin Libya lynched dan kebanyakan kerajaan Jamahiriya dibunuh atau masih diseksa.

Tidak mengejutkan, pengampunan, Cik Nossel telah bercakap pada beberapa peristiwa dengan Pengarah PBB Watch, Hillel Neuer, Montreal kelahiran peguam yang kerjaya telah berkhidmat sebagai kerani undang-undang kehakiman untuk Keadilan Itzhak Zamir, di Mahkamah Agung Israel.

Pada Mac tahun lepas, terdapat seolah-olah sedikit harapan bahawa NATO dan "sekutu" akan kembali dari mengulangi bencana tragis yang berlaku di Libya dan yang telah melanda Afghanistan dan Iraq.

Dilakukan di CBS Setiausaha Negara Clinton (27 mac 2011) bahawa Amerika Syarikat tidak akan campur tangan dalam cara yang telah berlaku di Libya.

Sekarang, nampaknya, keajaiban yang diperlukan, seperti ia muncul bahawa Saudi Arabia dan Quatar adalah di kalangan orang-orang pemberontak subsidi dengan jumlah wang yang luas - seperti Perancis Luar Menteri Alain Juppé mengumumkan bahawa Kesatuan Eropah (EU) adalah untuk terus mengikat tangan kerajaan, dengan membekukan aset Bank Negara Syria, dari 27 februari. Syria sudah bawah rakit melumpuhkan sekatan. Perancis, sudah tentu, salah satu penyorak yang terkemuka dan yang paling bersemangat untuk kemusnahan Libya.

Pada yang sama "Kawan Syria" Persidangan di Tunis (24hb Februari 2012) UK Menteri Luar William Hague mengisytiharkan bahawa UK diiktiraf pemberontak dan "Kami datang, kami melihat dia mati" Clinton yang dipanggil Rusia dan China: "keji" untuk mereka veto di PBB, yang mungkin telah disekat lanjut "campur tangan."

Amerika Syarikat berkata ia akan menimbangkan bantuan ketenteraan kepada pemberontak". Bantuan barat" seorang wakil daripada mereka berkata mereka telah menerima Dengan "kawan" seperti ini, Syria pastinya tidak perlu musuh.

Amerika Syarikat, sudah tentu, "despicably" veto 35 Resolusi keamanan PBB yang berkaitan dengan Timur Tengah (xiii) termasuk mengenai "Cast Operasi Utama," 2008-2009 Israel Krismas- Tahun Baru serangan ke atas Gaza, dan 2006 Blitzkrieg Israel Lubnan.

"Peta DUNIA yang baru."

Chillingly, tiada kemarahan atau laungan "keji" telah diberikan kepada kenyataan, Perdana Menteri Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu di Switzerland, sehari sebelum persidangan Tunisia, bahawa ada: "akan menjadi tidak ada Lubnan dalam peta DUNIA yang baru."

Lanjut, beliau menyatakan, bahawa serangan Israel terhadap Lubnan akan disokong oleh Amerika Syarikat dan Negara-negara Teluk Amerika.

Bukankah yang demikian itu sebuah taman hidupan liar gajah di dalam bilik. Memandangkan "Perang Salib," George W. Bush kepercayaan oleh bulatan kanan melampau Israel dalam kawalan mereka di Timur Tengah: "dari Sungai Nil ke Efrat" dan ayat-ayat Ketua Wesley Clark, tahun 2007, bahawa Pentagon merancang: "(mengambil) keluar 7 buah negara dalam tempoh 5 tahun, bermula dengan Iraq, dan kemudian Syria, Lubnan, Libya, Somalia, Sudan dan, penamatnya, Iran." Terdapat soalan yang jelas, mencetuskan oleh keyakinan Perdana Menteri Netanyahu melalui serangan Lubnan: Adakah ini AIPAC dan peperangan Israel?

After Destruction Of Iraq & Libya NATO States Preparing To Kill Another Million To Enslave Syria . . .

1WC'sChannel REVIEW 2012: Trojan Horses of NATO aggressions - UN Human Rights council, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, etc. are amongst the most enthusiastic champions of Syrian intervention and onward to Armageddon.

The first Syria "incubator baby story" surfaced last August. "Syrian government troops" had cut the electricity. It was quickly exposed as beyond questionable. Another one came up on 8th February, 2012 with numbers varying from eighteen poor mites, to a subsequent eighty. With both tales, as the Iraq version, no distraught parents or extended families were found, no funeral gatherings. Then the stories, too, quietly vanished.

The new Executive Director of Amnesty International, USA, is Suzanne Nossel, formerly Hillary Clinton's Deputy Assistant for International Organization Affairs, at the State Department. She has also previously worked for Human Rights Watch.

She: ". . . has launched several campaigns against Iran, Libya and Syria."

The allegation that Kuwait gave Amnesty $500,000 for backing the Iraq "incubator baby" story has never gone away. But the little island, famously once called: "An oil company posing as a state," with a population of just 2,595,628 (July 2011) including 1,291,354 non-nationals, also has powerful American-proxy clout.

In 1999, an agreement was signed between the USA and Kuwait for a permanent US force to be stationed there in twelve facilities.

The agreement for the bases, incidentally, was named: "Operation Desert Spring."

Here is a further coincidence. In March 2010, Libya was voted, near unanimously, on to the UN Human Rights Committee, after a glowing Report on human rights progress. After a ferocious campaign by Geneva-based UN Watch not only were they expelled from it, but nineteen months later, their country lay in ruins, 50 thousand Libyans died under NATO bombs, Libyan leader lynched and most of Jamahiriya government is killed or still tortured.

Amnesty's Ms Nossel, unsurprisingly, has spoken at a number of events with UN Watch Director, Hillel Neuer, a Montreal born attorney, whose career has included serving as a judicial law clerk for Justice Itzhak Zamir, at the Supreme Court of Israel.

In March last year, there seemed a glimmer of hope that the NATO and "allies" would back away from repeating the tragic disaster that was unfolding in Libya - and that had already struck Afghanistan and Iraq.

Secretary of State Clinton committed on CBS (27th March 2011) that the US would not intervene in the way it had in Libya.

Now, it seems, a miracle is needed, as it emerges that Saudi Arabia and Quatar are among those subsidizing insurgents with vast sums - as French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe announced that the EU is about to further tie the government's hands, by freezing the assets of the Syrian Central Bank, from 27th February. Syria is already under a crippling raft of sanctions. France was, of course, one of the leading and most enthusiastic cheerleaders for the destruction of Libya.

At the same "Friends of Syria" Conference in Tunis (24th February 2012) UK Foreign Minister William Hague declared that the UK recognized the insurgents and "We came, we saw, he died" Clinton called Russia and China: "despicable" for their veto at the UN, which may well have blocked further "intervention."

The US said it will consider military assistance to the insurgents - a representative of them said they were already receiving "western aid." With "friends" like these, Syria certainly needs no enemies.

The US has, of course, "despicably" vetoed thirty-five UN peace Resolutions relating to the Middle East (xiii) including on "Operation Cast Lead," the 2008-2009 Israeli Christmas-New Year onslaught on Gaza, and Israel's 2006 blitzkrieg of Lebanon.

A "new world map."

Chillingly, no outrage or cries of "despicable" have been given to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's statement, in Switzerland, the day before the Tunisia conference, that there: "would be no Lebanon in the new world map."

He stated, further, that an Israeli strike against Lebanon would be supported by the United States and Gulf States countries.

There surely is a wildlife park of elephants in the room. Given George W. Bush's "Crusade," the belief by extreme right Israeli circles in their control of the Middle East: "from the Nile to the Euphrates" and General Wesley Clark's revelations of 2007, that the Pentagon planned: "(taking) out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran." There is an obvious question, sparked by Prime Minister Netanyahu's confidence over a Lebanon attack: Are these AIPAC and Israel's wars?

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