Spread the WORDS Of Humanity. 1WORLDCommunity DECLARATION. Our Principle 'We don't take REWARD' from any Party or Organisation in this WORLD: AS GOD ALMIGHTY SAYS IN THE HOLY QURAN, 'NO REWARD DO I ASK OF YOU FOR IT: MY REWARD IS ONLY FROM THE LORD OF THE UNIVERSE'. (Asy'araa QS 26: 109)
2012 Not the End Of the WORLD . . . but BILLIONS might DIE!!!
2012 is finally here . . . ! Do not wait for 21. December 2012. Extreme Weather, Earth Changes, Mystery Universe And I'm Telling YOU the Coming Disaster Prepare!!! march, April, may, june, july, August/Ramadan to September/Shawwal?!!!
Nu'aim bin Hammad meriwayatkan dengan sanadnya bahwa Rasulullah Shallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam bersabda: Bila telah muncul suara di bulan Ramadhan, maka akan terjadi huru-hara di bulan Syawwal (Ogos/Ramadan hingga September/Shawwal)" . . .
Disaster 2012 Signs Of the End Of the WORLD: 770,000 evacuated as Typhoons Saola and Damrey slams China/Taiwan/Philippines (Juma’at 15 Ramadan 1433 Friday 3, Aug 2012):
TINJAUAN 1WC'sChannel 2012 DisasterManagement1WC’s Rajah. 1,0 "MTSAT-RGB Imejan '12W Ribut Tropika/HAIKUI, 'kerana ia melemahkan sedikit untuk 12 jam yang lalu keadaan badai kini secara meluas merasakan termasuk Ninghai dan Shanghai, China Unjuran menunjukkan trend yang semakin lemah ke Jumaat Courtesy Imejan.:NOAA” (Fig. 1.0 "MTSAT-RGB Imagery of Tropical Storm '12W/HAIKUI,' as it weakens slightly for the past 12 hrs. Stormy conditions now being widely felt including Ninghai and Shanghai, China. Forecasts indicate a weakening trend well into Friday. Imagery Courtesy: NOAA)"
Artikel dalam urutan masa yang terbalik dengan maklumat yang terbaru di atas. Jika mana-mana pembaca kami mempunyai laporan atau maklumat mengenai kawasan tempatan anda mengenai ribut ini, sila menyalurkan semula di dalam kotak komen di bawah. (Article is in reverse time sequence with the newest information on top. If any of our readers have reports or information on your local area regards to this storm please relay it in the comment box below).
<< SEVERE TROPICAL STORM “12W” TRACK SUMMARY >> - Live Update every 3 - 6 hours
Update 08/08 0510UTC/terkini 08/08 0510UTC
Westernpacificweather - hanya beberapa foto menyumbang daripada rakan-rakan kami di Kumpulan Perbincangan (LIVE) WestPacMet melalui Alvin Jayson dan Ric John Brecio. Sekali lagi terima kasih dan sila kirimkan gambar anda tetapi sila berbuat berjaga-jaga dan selamat seperti yang anda mengambil gambar-gambar. (Westernpacificweather - Here are just some of the contributed photos from our friends at WestPacMet Discussion Group (LIVE) via Alvin Jayson and Ric John Brecio. Once again thank you and please do send us more of your photos but please do take care and be safe as you take photos. #weatherguyadonis @weatherguyadonz)
Rajah 4.0 "Senator Gil Puyat Avenue pada kira-kira 0850Z (0450PM-PHL) menunjukkan kenderaan yang terkandas di atas jambatan dan di bawah adalah kenderaan dan pejalan kaki kolam kanak melalui jalan-jalan yang banjir Imej Courtesy: Ric John Brecio" (Fig. 4.0 "Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue at around 0850Z (0450PM-PHL) show stranded vehicles on the bridge and below are vehicles and pedestrians wading through the flooded streets. Image Courtesy: Ric John Brecio)"
Update/terkini 08/08 0830UTC
TINJAUAN 1WC’sChannel 2012: (Westernpacificweather) Ini adalah beberapa gambar yang diedarkan melalui penulisan internet. Penyumbang diberi kredit kerana tiap-tiap dalam gambar saya dimuat naik. Sebagai satu siaran radio lebih DZRH, hujan banjir yang lebih kini sedang membesarkan air banjir di seluruh Luzon Tengah dan Wilayah ibu Negara (NCR).
PAGASA telah dibangkitkan Amaran Merah bagi "hujan lebat" lebih menjejaskan NCR dan pinggir bandar Manila. Laguna de Bay kini telah melimpah, yang menyebabkan lebih ramai penduduk melarikan diri dari rumah masing-masing dan hujan lebat terus melanda banyak Wilayah Persekutuan, Luzon Tengah, dan Selatan Kawasan Tagalog press time.
Penduduk di Wilayah Rizal kini sedang dipindahkan sebagai tahap banjir di Cainta semakin berkembang dengan pesat. Lebih-maklumat tambahan akan diumumkan sebagai mereka datang tersedia. Pastikan ia di sini pada Westernpacificweather.com bagi nasihat yang lebih berguna dari seluruh negara kerana ia berlaku. # weatherguyadonis @weatherguyadonz
Update 08/08 0830UTC
1WC’sChannel REVIEW 2012 (Westernpacificweather) These are some of the photos circulating over the internet as of writing. Contributors are given due credit in every photo I uploaded. As per radio broadcast over DZRH, more flooding rains are now raising the flood waters across Central Luzon and the National Capital Region (NCR).
PAGASA has already raised its Red Warning for more “torrential rains” affecting NCR and outskirts of Manila. Laguna de Bay has now overflowed, prompting more residents to flee their homes and heavy rains continue to pound much of Western Luzon, Central Luzon, and Southern Tagalog Regions as of press time.
Residents in Rizal Province are now being evacuated as flood levels in Cainta are rapidly increasing. More of these additional information will be posted as they come available. Keep it here at Westernpacificweather.com for more useful advisories from across the country as it happens. #weather guyadonis @weatherguyadonz
Rajah 1,0 "Presiden Benigno S. Aquino III dan kakak Kris Aquino, parti menilai kawasan banjir di Bandar Marikina City dengan trak tentera 6x6, mengedar barang-barang bantuan kepada penduduk yang terjejas teruk di Muntinlupa City Courtesy Image: Ina Reformina" (Fig. 1.0 "President Benigno S. Aquino III and sister Kris Aquino, party assess the flooded areas in Marikina City on a 6X6 military truck, distributing relief goods to the badly affected residents in Muntinlupa City. Image Courtesy: Ina Reformina)"
Rajah 10,0 "Banjir kerosakan kepada yang Berjuta-juta seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam foto ini diambil di E. Rodriguez Avenue di Quezon City Courtesy Image: Atom Araullo" (Fig. 10.0 "Flood damage into the Millions as indicated in this photo taken at E. Rodriguez Avenue in Quezon City. Image Courtesy: Atom Araullo)"
Update/terkini 08/08 0650UTC
JMA - Ribut Tropika 12W "HAIKUI" mengekalkan intensiti untuk 6 jam lalu manakala atas tanah, dan terletak di 30.2N-120.5E, 79 nm (147 km) SSW Shanghai, China, mengetuai NW @ 20 km/jam, angin mengungguli 83 km/jam (min), angin kencang sehingga 120 km/jam (maks), 985 hPa dan peningkatan. #Weatherguyadonis @weatherguyadonz (JMA - Tropical Storm 12W “HAIKUI” maintained its intensity for the last 6 hrs while over land, and was located at 30.2N-120.5E, 79 nm (147 km) SSW of Shanghai, China, heading NW@20 km/hr, winds topped 83 km/hr (min), gusts up to 120 km/hr (max), 985 hPa and rising. #weatherguyadonis @weatherguyadonz).
Update/terkini 08/08 0630UTC
Westernpacificweather - Rainfall accumulations for the last 24 hrs ending at (Hujan pengumpulan untuk 24 jam terakhir berakhir pada) 0000Z (0800AM-PHL)
Cabanatuan-80.5 mm
PAGASA Science Garden, Quezon City-363.7 mm
Clark Air Base-183.3 mm
Manila-358.0 mm
PAGASA Subic Bay WS-293.0 mm
Sangley Point-354.2 mm
Ambulong-63.7 mm
Tanay-141.8 mm
Infanta-73.7 mm
Iba-262.6 mm
Malaybalay-60.3 mm
Total rainfall accumulations ending at (Jumlah hujan pengumpulan berakhir pada)
1800Z (0200AM-PHL)
Dagupan-132.1 mm
Baguio-61 mm
*Data dari WMO. Hujan lebat masih terus memukul banyak bahagian Barat penulisan Luzon. Kami akan terus menyediakan maklumat yang komprehensif mengenai ini kerana mereka datang (data from WMO. Heavy rains still continue to pummel much of the Western sections of Luzon as of writing. We will continue to provide you the most comprehensive details on these as they come in. #weatherguyadonis @weartherguyadonz)
Update/terkini 08/08 0345UTC
JMA - Tropika Ribut Ganas 12W "HAIKUI" kini diturunkan kepada ambang Ribut Tropika, telah mengekalkan intensiti lebih Selatan Shanghai, dan terletak di 29.7N-120.9E, 94 nm (174 km) SSW Shanghai, China, mengetuai NW @20 km/jam, mengungguli angin 83 km/jam (min), angin kencang sehingga 120 km/jam (maks), 980 hPa dan mantap (JMA - Severe Tropical Storm 12W “HAIKUI” now downgraded to Tropical Storm threshold, has maintained intensity over South of Shanghai, and was located at 29.7N-120.9E, 94 nm (174 km) SSW of Shanghai, China, heading NW@20 km/hr, winds topped 83 km/hr (min), gusts up to 120 km/hr (max), 980 hPa and steady. #weatherguyadonis @weather guyadonz)
Update/terkini 08/08 0300UTC
JTWC - Ribut Tropika "12W/HAIKUI", mengekalkan intensiti sebagai ia inci lebih dekat Selatan Shanghai sepanjang pantai Timur China, dan telah dikesan berhampiran 29.9N-120.9E, 95 nm (176 km) Selatan Shanghai, China, 60 kt ( 111 km/jam) min, 75 kt (140 km/jam) maks, 978 hPa dan mantap, mengetuai Northwest @09 kt (17 km jam). LLCC tidak boleh didapati sejak sistem ini kini ke atas tanah. Hujan lebat perlu dijangka secara meluas di seluruh perbandaran China Timur sebagai sistem itu dijangka melemahkan perlahan-lahan. Ketinggian ombak yang ketara yang maksimum ialah 25 kak (JTWC – Tropical Storm “12W/HAIKUI” maintains intensity as it inches closer South of Shanghai along the Eastern coast of China, and was spotted near 29.9N-120.9E, 95 nm (176 km) South of Shanghai, China, 60 kt (111 km/hr) min, 75 kt (140 km/hr) max, 978 hPa and steady, heading Northwest@09 kt (17 km/hr). LLCC cannot be found since the system is now over land. Heavy rains should be expected widely across East China townships as the system is expected to weaken slowly. Maximum significant wave height is 25 ft. #weatherguyadonis @weartherguyadonz)
Update/terkini 08/08 0200UTC
Westernpacificweather - Laporan 100 fity (150) berbaring pesakit di Universiti Timur-Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center (UERMMC), di Quezon City air banjir tenggelam lantai pertama dan terus bertahan berlama-lama di kawasan itu. Hampir 700 kakitangan hospital juga dilaporkan telah terperangkap di dalam bangunan pada presstime, memerlukan makanan dan air. Kuasa masih ditutup, dan Filipina Pengawal Pantai (PCG) bertujuan untuk dikerahkan ke hospital mengikut PCG Komandan Naib Laksamana Edmund Tan. Dengan laporan dari ABS-CBNNEWS.com # weather guyadonis (Westernpacificweather - Reports of one hundred-fity (150) lying in patients in University of the East-Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center (UERMMC), in Quezon City as flood waters submerged the first floor and continues to linger in the area. Close to 700 hospital personnel are also being reported to have been trapped in the building as of presstime, needed food and water. The power remains shut, and Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) aims to be deployed to the hospital according to PCG Commandant Vice Admiral Edmund Tan. With reports from ABS-CBNNEWS.com #weatherguyadonis @weatherguyadonz)
Rajah 1,0 "membanjiri hospital memerlukan bantuan, bekalan kuasa sebagai pesakit dan kakitangan masih terperangkap di tingkat -tingkat yang lebih tinggi banjir di Universiti Timur-Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center (UERMMC) Imej Courtesy: Joseph Morong" (Fig. 1.0 "Flooded hospital in dire need of help, power supply as patients and personnel remain trapped in higher floors of University of the East-Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center (UERMMC). Image Courtesy: Joseph Morong)"
Update/terkini 08/08 0130UTC
Westernpacificweather - kedudukan terkini Ribut Tropika "12W/HAIKUI" telah dianggarkan pada 29.6N-124.5E, 178 km Selatan Shanghai, China, LLCC atas tanah, angin yang dialami berhampiran 111 km/jam dengan angin kencang hingga 140 km/jam, tajuk perlahan-lahan Northwest, diramalkan untuk menyekat dalam tempoh 12-24 jam akan datang berhampiran Shanghai, China. Pemendakan terkumpul mencapai tahap kritikal sebagai sistem menyusup perlahan-lahan. #weatherguyadonis @weather guyadonz (Westernpacificweather - Latest position of Tropical Storm “12W/HAIKUI” was estimated to be at 29.6N-124.5E, 178 km South of Shanghai, China, LLCC over land, winds sustained near 111 km/hr with gusts to 140 km/hr, heading slowly Northwest, forecast to stall within the next 12-24 hrs near Shanghai, China. Accumulated precipitation should reach critical levels as the system creeps slowly. # weatherguyadonis @weatherguyadonz)
Update/terkini 08/08 0050UTC
JMA - Tropika Teruk Ribut 12W "HAIKUI" telah mengekalkan intensiti semasa melanda membuat, kini lebih Selatan daripada Ninghai, dan terletak di 29.2N-121.4E, 120 nm (223 km) SSW Shanghai, China, mengetuai NW @ 20 km/jam, mengungguli angin 102 km/jam (min), angin kencang sehingga 148 km/jam (maks), 975 hPa dan mantap. #weatherguyadonis @weatherguyadonz (JMA - Severe Tropical Storm 12W “HAIKUI” has maintained intensity while making landfall, now over South of Ninghai, and was located at 29.2N-121.4E, 120 nm (223 km) SSW of Shanghai, China, heading NW@20 km/hr, winds topped 102 km/hr (min), gusts up to 148 km/hr (max), 975 hPa and steady. #weatherguyadonis @ weatherguyadonz)
Update/terkini 07/08 2100UTC
JTWC - Kategori 1 Taufan 12W "HAIKUI," kini diturunkan kepada ambang Ribut Tropika kerana ia melanda di sepanjang pantai Timur China dan telah dikesan berhampiran 29.2N-121.5E, 135 nm (250 km) Selatan Shanghai, China, 60 kt (111 km/jam) min, kt 75 (140 km/jam) maks, 978 hPa dan mantap, mengetuai Northwest @11 kt (20 km/jam). LLCC tidak boleh didapati sejak sistem ini kini ke atas tanah. Ketinggian ombak yang ketara yang maksimum ialah 25 kaki #weatherguyadonis @weartherguyadonz (JTWC – Category 1 Typhoon 12W “HAIKUI,” now downgraded to Tropical Storm threshold as it made landfall along the Eastern coast of China, and was spotted near 29.2N-121.5E, 135 nm (250 km) South of Shanghai, China, 60 kt (111 km/hr) min, 75 kt (140 km/hr) max, 978 hPa and steady, heading Northwest@11 kt (20 km/hr). LLCC cannot be found since the system is now over land. Maximum significant wave height is 25 ft. #weatherguyadonis @weartherguyadonz)
Update/terkini 07/08 1800UTC
Westernpacificweather - Haikui Taufan ramai yang melanda di selatan Shanghai sepanjang Pantai Timur china. (Westernpacificweather - Typhoon Haikui nears landfall just south of Shanghai along china East Coast).
Update/terkini 07/08 1730UTC
Westernpacificweather - Kawasan di dalam merah menunjukkan di mana banjir berlaku di Metro Manila. (Westernpacificweather - Areas in Red indicate where flooding is taking place in Metro Manila).
Jumlah hujan di Metro Manila sahaja telah melebihi Ribut Tropika "Ketsana/Ondoy" pada September 2009 banjir tahap epik. Maklumat itu telah dikeluarkan kepada media melalui Jabatan Sains dan NOAH Teknologi Project (Nationwide Penilaian Operasi Bahaya). (Rainfall totals in Metro Manila alone have already exceeded that of Tropical Storm “Ketsana/ONDOY” in September 2009 epic flood levels. The information was released to the media via Department of Science and Technology’s Project NOAH (Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards).
Rajah 2.0 "Projek NOAH membuat representasi hujan banjir berterusan di seluruh Metro Manila bagi tempoh 24 jam yang lalu, melebihi pengumpulan semasa banjir epik yang diakibatkan oleh Ribut Tropika 'Ketsana/Ondoy' pada bulan September 2009 Courtesy Image: ABS-CBNNEWS.com" (Fig. 2.0 "Project NOAH made representation of the ongoing flooding rains across Metro Manila for the last 24 hrs, exceeding the accumulations during the epic floods wrought by Tropical Storm 'Ketsana/ONDOY' back in September 2009. Image Courtesy: ABS-CBNNEWS.com)"
Projek NOAH pengarah eksekutif Dr., Mahar Lagmay berkata hujan yang terkumpul dalam tempoh 22 jam yang lepas telah mencapai 472mm, lebih tinggi daripada 455mm yang dicatatkan dalam tempoh 24 jam semasa Ondoy ribut tropika. Dengan laporan dari Agence France-Presse (AFP). #weatherguyadonis @weatherguyadonz (Project NOAH executive director Dr. Mahar Lagmay said accumulated rainfall in the past 22 hours has reached 472mm, higher than the 455mm recorded in 24 hours during tropical storm Ondoy. With reports from Agence France-Presse (AFP). #weatherguyadonis @weatherguyadonz)
Update/terkini 0708 1220UTC
Westernpacificweather - Update Video Terkini posted on banjir di Manila, lihat dengan clicking here (Westernpacificweather - Latest Video Update posted on the floods in Manila, see it by clicking here)
Update/terkini 07/08 1200UTC
Westernpacificweather - Updates Hujan WMO Jumlah daripada 1200UTC. Jumlah ini mengejutkan di kawasan Manila melebihi jumlah Ketsana hanya 3 tahun yang lalu. (Westernpacificweather - WMO Rain Total Updates as of 1200UTC. These staggering amounts in the Manila area are over the totals of Ketsana just 3 years ago).
Gambar-gambar Dikongsi ke westernpacificweather dalam 3 jam yang lalu. (Photos Shared to westernpacificweather in the past 3 hours). 'humanRightCommunitySharing2012'
Update/terkini 07/08 0900UTC
Westernpacificweather - Update Video Terkini dari WxCaster PAT, klik DI SINI HERE (Westernpacificweather - Latest Video Update from WxCaster PAT), click HERE
Berikut adalah beberapa Nombor Talian penting bagi agensi-agensi kerajaan di dalam dan sekitar Metro Manila: (Here are some of the important Hotline Numbers for government agencies in and around Metro Manila):
Update/terkini 07/08 0900UTC
DisasterManagement1WC’s Westernpacificweather DisasterManagement1WC - Berikut adalah jumlah hujan WMO di Filipina dalam tempoh 24 jam yang lalu. Jumlah yang mengagumkan telah jatuh di Petaling 438mm memecahkan rekod dalam 24 jam yang lalu. (Westernpacificweather - Here are the WMO rain totals in the Philippines over the past 24hrs. Astounding amounts have been falling an in Quezon a record breaking 438mm in the past 24hrs).
Pemandangan Manila Central Market di mana jalan-jalan tersebut ditengelami sepenuhnya. (A view of Manila Central Market where the road is completely submerged).
Update/terkini 07/08 0800UTC
Westernpacificweather - laporan Pengurangan Risiko Bencana Kebangsaan Pengurusan Majlis (NDRRMC) 53 (53) kematian yang dikaitkan dengan banjir yang disebabkan oleh Monsun Barat Daya di seluruh negara. (Westernpacificweather - the National Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council (NDRRMC) reports of fifty-three (53) deaths associated with the inundation caused by the Southwest Monsoon across the country).
Menurut DSWD melalui Sec. Dinky Soliman, 0300Z (11:00 PHL) -9156 keluarga w/40.913 orang daripada 14 Bandar Terkemuka Metro Manila yang terjejas oleh banjir yang dibawa oleh hujan monsun. (According to the DSWD via Sec. Dinky Soliman, 0300Z (11AM-PHL)-9,156 families w/40,913 persons from 14 Cities of Metro Manila affected by flooding brought by monsoon rains).
Pengumpulan hujan untuk 24 jam terakhir berakhir pada 0600Z (0200PM-PHL) (Rainfall accumulations for the last 24 hrs ending at 0600Z (0200PM-PHL)
Cabanatuan, Pangasinan-61 mm
PAGASA Science Garden, Quezon City-438 mm
San Jose de Buenavista, Antique-70 mm
Calapan, Oriental Mindoro-70 mm
Romblon Island-137 mm
Pengumpulan hujan untuk 24 jam terakhir berakhir pada 0000Z (0800AM-PHL) (Rainfall accumulations for the last 24 hrs ending at 0000Z (0800AM-PHL)
Iba, Zambales-370.6 mm
Clark Air Base-119.7 mm
Manila-302.0 mm
Subic Bay Weather Station-230.0 mm
Tanay, Rizal-156.4 mm
Ambulong, Occidental Mindoro-179.0 mm
Sangley Point, Cavite-312.8 mm
* Data dari WMO. Hujan lebat masih terus menganas banyak bahagian Barat negara ini sebagai laporan penulisan. Kami akan terus menyediakan maklumat yang komprehensif mengenai ini kerana ia datang. # Weatherguyadonis @weartherguyadonz *(data from WMO. Heavy rains still continue to pummel much of the Western sections of the country as of writing. We will continue to provide you the most comprehensive details on these as they come in. #weatherguyadonis @weartherguyadonz)
Update/terkini 07/08 0730UTC
Westernpacificweather - sambutan kerajaan dalam semua bidang yang terjejas oleh banjir yang epik yang kini telah secara rasminya diisytiharkan lebih buruk daripada 2009 Ribut Tropika "Ketsana/Ondoy" tragedi. # weatherguyadonis @weatherguyadonz (Westernpacificweather - The government response in all areas affected by the epic deluge that has now officially been declared worse than the 2009 Tropical Storm “Ketsana/ONDOY” tragedy. #weatherguyadonis @weather guyadonz)
Rajah 3.0 "trak PNP membawa barang-barang bantuan yang sangat diperlukan terburu-buru pembantu mangsa banjir di Cainta, Rizal Imej Courtesy: DZMM" (Fig. 3.0 "A PNP truck carrying badly needed relief goods rush into the aide of flood victims in Cainta, Rizal. Image Courtesy: DZMM)"
Update/terkini 07/08 0650UTC
Westernpacificweather - Terkini mengenai kejadian tanah runtuh di Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines telah membunuh 11 orang mati, termasuk 4kanak-kanak, 2 lelaki umur pertengahan, 2 wanita, pertama telah diambil dari runtuhan adalah 18 yo Yitro Baylon, 19 mangsa lain telah dikejarkan ke hospital. Kejadian itu berlaku pada kira-kira 2230Z (0630AM-PHL). (Westernpacific weather - Update on landslide in Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines has killed eleven people (11) dead, to include four (4) kids, two (2) middle aged men, two (2) women, first to have been retrieved from the rubble was 18 yo Jethro Baylon, nineteen (19) other victims were rushed to the hospital. The incident occurred at around 2230Z (0630AM-PHL).
Rajah 1,0 "mendakwa tanah runtuh membunuh 11orang, mencederakan 19 dari orang-orang yang di Quezon City, Filipina Courtesy Image: DZMM" (Fig. 1.0 "Killer landslide claims eleven (11) people, injured nineteen (19) others in Quezon City, Philippines. Image Courtesy: DZMM)"
Berikut adalah sebahagian daripada keadaan menyayat hati yang paling dalam dan di sekitar Wilayah ibu negara (NCR), termasuk Manila, Marikina, Malabon, Navotas, Navotas, Quezon City, Bacoor di Cavite dan Sulawesi Selatan. Lebih banyak kawasan di seluruh Luzon masih belum dicapai oleh pegawai bencana masing-masing, laporan kerosakan dan gangguan yang masih belum dapat ditubuhkan sebagai kuasa dan komunikasi telah hilang kerana keadaan cuaca yang semakin buruk. (Below are some of the most heart-wrenching conditions in and around the National Capital Region (NCR), to include Manila, Marikina, Malabon, Navotas, Quezon City, Bacoor in Cavite and Zambales. More areas across Luzon still yet to be reached by respective disaster officials, reports of damage and disruptions have yet to be established as power and communication was lost due to the worsening weather conditions).
Rajah5,0 " Marikina Riverbank kini melimpah Courtesy Image: DZMM (Fig. 5.0 "Marikina Riverbank now overflowing. Image Courtesy: DZMM)”
Sementara, gelap, awan menyenangkan berlegar lebih Manila seperti yang ditunjukkan di bawah: (Meantime, dark, ominous clouds hover over Manila as shown below):
Rajah 6,0 "Lebih mencurah-curah hujan mengekori ke arah Manila Imej Courtesy: DZMM" (Fig. 6.0 "More torrential rains trailing towards Manila. Image Courtesy: DZMM)"
Hujan terkumpul jumlah telah mencapai 482 mm untuk 22 jam yang lalu telah jatuh merentasi banyak Central Luzon dan Wilayah National Capital (NCR). Ia telah melepasi tahap banjir semasa Ribut Tropika "Ketsana/Ondoy," pada bulan September 2009 yang telah mengorbankan beratus-ratus nyawa dan Berbilion kerosakan harta. (Accumulated rainfall totals have reached 482 mm for the past 22 hrs have fallen across much of Central Luzon and National Capital Region (NCR). It has already surpassed the flood levels during Tropical Storm “Ketsana/ONDOY,” in September 2009 that has claimed hundreds of lives and Billions of property damages).
Malangnya, lebih banyak hujan dijangka keadaan banjir yang rumit. Kami terus memberikan butiran segar sebagai berita menghasilkan maklumat lanjut. Simpan di sini pada Westernpacificweather.com #weatherguyadonis @weatherguyadonz (Sadly, more rains expected to complicated the flood situation. We continue to provide you the freshest details as the news yield more information. Keep it here at Westernpacificweather.com for more! #weatherguyadonis @weatherguyadonz)
Update/terkini 07/08 0645UTC
JMA - Tropika Ribut Teruk 12W "HAIKUI" telah mengekalkan intensiti manakala tegun untuk 12 jam yang lalu, dan terletak di 27.5N-123.8E, 235 nm (435 km) SSE Shanghai, China, mengetuai NW perlahan-lahan, angin mendahului 111 km/jam (min), angin kencang sehingga 157 km/jam (maks), 965 hPa dan mantap. # weatherguyadonis @weatherguyadonz (JMA - Severe Tropical Storm 12W “HAIKUI” has maintained intensity while stalling for the last 12 hrs, and was located at 27.5N-123.8E, 235 nm (435 km) SSE of Shanghai, China, heading NW slowly, winds topped 111 km/hr (min), gusts up to 157 km/hr (max), 965 hPa and steady. #weatherguyadonis @weatherguyadonz)
Update/terkini 07/08 0530UTC
Westernpacificweather - Laporan yang diringkaskan daripada gabungan WestPacMet Discussion Group (LIVE) dan http://www.chtchronicles.net mengatakan:
Westernpacificweather-Reports condensed from affiliate WestPacMet Discussion Group (LIVE) and http://www.chtchronicles.net says):
Westernpacificweather-Reports condensed from affiliate WestPacMet Discussion Group (LIVE) and http://www.chtchronicles.net says):
0510Z (0110PM-PHL): Simpanan Kampung kini membanjiri jalan utama (St Mary Ave) kini dilanda banjir dan sekarang 50 meter dari Andres Bonifacio; (0510Z (0110PM-PHL): Provident Village now flooded, main street (St Mary Ave) now flooded and is now 50 meters from Andres Bonifacio);
0533Z (0133PM-PHL): melalui NCLC Marikina: kompleks 8 tingkat, 3 bangunan kini evacuees perumahan, dan lebih evacuees datang siaran. Evacuees telah juga disediakan makanan percuma hari ini; (0533Z (0133PM-PHL): via NCLC Marikina: The eight-storey, three-building complex is now housing evacuees, and more evacuees are coming as of broadcast. The evacuees are also provided free food today);
Rajah 1,0 "Limpahan Sungai Marikina kini dibanjiri landasan LRT Untuk sebelah kiri gambar, pusat membeli-belah telah di bawah air untuk 12 jam yang lalu kini Imej Courtesy: Keretapi Filipina" (Fig. 1.0 "Overflowing Marikina River now swamped LRT tracks. To the left side of the photo, a mall have been underwater for the past 12 hrs now. Image Courtesy: Philippine Railway)s."
Laporan kawasan pesisiran pantai di Cavite mengalami banjir, banjir sedalam pinggang-ke-leher di Bacoor-Polis Kebangsaan Filipina (PNP) (Reports of coastal areas in Cavite experiencing floods, waist-to-neck-deep floods in Bacoor-Philippine National Police (PNP)
Rajah2.0 "banjir Massive cengkaman Bacoor, Cavite Imej Courtesy: Wazup Roi Panizal (Fig. 2.0 " Massive floods grip Bacoor, Cavite. Image Courtesy: Wazup Roi Panizal)"
Di sesetengah kawasan di Cavite, lebih daripada air banjir 12-kaki telah melumpuhkan barangays di sana. Walau bagaimanapun, ini perlu disahkan bagi memastikan ketulenannya. # weatherguyadonis @ weatherguyadonz (In some areas in Cavite, more than 12-ft flood waters have been crippling most barangays there. This however have to be confirmed for authenticity. #weatherguyadonis @weather guyadonz)
Update/terkini 07/08 0450UTC
Westernpacificweather – 1 mati, 8 hilang sebagai Bumi dan lumpur runtuh ke atas beberapa buah rumah di BGY. Roxas, Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City, Filipina, 4 tempat tinggal lebih tepat. Pekerja penyelamat menjalankan opsyen untuk cuba membongkar mangsa sebagai hujan tidak berhenti-henti terus untuk menghalang usaha mereka. Penduduk juga digesa untuk berpindah kepada alasan yang lebih selamat sebagai peramal cuaca memberi amaran banjir lanjut dalam tempoh 24 - 48 jam akan datang. (Westernpacificweather - One (1) dead, eight (8) missing as Earth and mud collapsed over a number of houses in Bgy. Roxas, Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines, four (4) dwellings to be exact. Rescue workers are running out of option to attempt unearthing the victims as incessant rains continue to hamper their efforts. Residents are also being urged to evacuate to safer grounds as weather forecasters warn of further inundation within the next 24-48 hrs).
Rajah 1,0 "Penduduk cuba untuk membersihkan runtuhan sebagai hits tanah runtuh BGY Roxas, Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines sebagai hujan lebat menepukan tanah untuk 11 hari lalu Imej Courtesy:. ANC" (Fig. 1.0 "Residents try to clear the rubble as landslide hits Bgy. Roxas, Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines as torrential rains saturate the ground for the past eleven (11) days. Image Courtesy: ANC)"
Astronomical High Tide adalah berlaku pada jam 01:07, tepat pada 0553 (0153PM-PHL) pada 1.5m. Sekarang, air pasang telah mencapai 1.4m, yang boleh merumitkan keadaan banjir. (Astronomical High Tide is about to occur at 01:07 hrs, exactly at 0553(0153PM-PHL) at 1.5m. Right now, the tide has reached 1.4m, which could complicate the flooding situation).
Rajah 2.0 "1orang telah disahkan mati, lelaki yang berumur antara 22-25 yo, manakala 8 lebih kekal hilang siaran Courtesy Image: ANC" (Fig. 2.0 "One (1) person has been confirmed dead, male aged between 22-25 yo, while eight (8) more remain missing as of broadcast. Image Courtesy: ANC)"
Bandar masantol di Pampanga Province telah terjejas oleh banjir dilahirkan oleh Taufan "10W/SAOLA" untuk tempoh 10 hari. Pihak berkuasa tempatan kini telah mengisytiharkan keadaan bencana di sana. Monsun Barat Daya resurging (SW) pada masa ini telah dipengaruhi oleh sistem lain, Taufan "12W/HAIKUI" di Timur Laut Taipei, Taiwan. (Masantol town in Pampanga Province has been affected by the floods spawned by Typhoon “10W/SAOLA” for the past ten (10) days. The local authorities have now declared a state of calamity there. The resurging Southwest (SW) Monsoon at the moment has been influenced by yet another system, Typhoon “12W/HAIKUI” just Northeast of Taipei, Taiwan).
Rajah 4.0 " Kenaikan torrent dalam bandar Rodriguez di Wilayah Rizal Penduduk terdampar di timbunan pasir di tengah-tengah torrents Penyelamat yang belum bertindak balas terhadap rayuan mereka pada masa penyiaran ini Image Courtesy: @ sassanpot" (Fig. 4.0 "Rising torrent in Rodriguez town in Rizal Province. Residents are stranded on a pile of sand amid the torrents. Rescuers are yet to respond to their plea at this broadcast time. Image Courtesy: @sassanpot)"
Pusat-pusat pemindahan laporan Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat dan Pembangunan (DSWD) 52 (52) dalam CALABARZON berkhidmat 3.588 keluarga melalui Sec. Dinky Soliman. # weatherguyadonis @weatherguyadonz (Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) reports of fifty-two (52) evacuation centers in CALABARZON serving 3,588 families via Sec. Dinky Soliman. #weatherguyadonis @weatherguyadonz)
Update/terkini 07/08 0417UTC
Westernpacificweather - melalui Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA): (Westernpacific weather - via Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA):
Amaran banjir: Quirino-Angelinao - 45inches. tidak dilalui kenderaan ringan 0555Z (0155PM-PHL) (Flood Alert: Quirino-Angelinao - 45inches. not passable to light vehicles as of 0555Z (0155PM-PHL)
Banjir Alert: Edsa Munoz/FEMA – Sedalam lutut tidak boleh dilalui kepada semua jenis kenderaan 0541Z (0141PM-PHL) (Flood Alert: Edsa Muñoz/FEMA – knee deep not passable to all types of vehicles as of 0541Z (0141PM-PHL)
Banjir Alert: P.Burgos/A.Boni - setengah tayar dalam tidak dilalui kenderaan ringan 0535Z (0135PM-PHL) (Flood Alert: P.Burgos/A.Boni - half tire deep not passable to light vehicles as of 0535Z (0135PM-PHL)
Banjir Alert: Mindanao/Utara - 1/2 tayar dalam tidak dilalui kepada semua jenis kenderaan pada 0514Z (0114PM-PHL) (Flood Alert: Mindanao/North – 1/2 tire deep not passable to all types of vehicles as of 0514Z (0114PM-PHL)
Banjir Alert: McArthur Fatima – setinggi pinggang di atas tidak dilalui kepada semua jenis kenderaan 0417Z (1217PM-PHL) (Flood Alert: McArthur Fatima – above waist not passable to all types of vehicles as of 0417Z (1217PM-PHL)
Update/terkini 07/08 0340UTC
JMA - Tropika Teruk Ribut 12W "HAIKUI" telah dikekalkan intensiti semasa pegun, dan terletak di 27.5N-123.8E, 253 nm (km 468) SSE Shanghai, China, mengetuai NW perlahan-lahan, angin mendahului 111 km/jam (min), angin kencang sehingga 157 km/jam (maks), 965 hPa dan mantap. # weatherguyadonis @ weatherguyadonz (JMA - Severe Tropical Storm 12W “HAIKUI” has maintained intensity while stalling, and was located at 27.5N-123.8E, 253 nm (468 km) SSE of Shanghai, China, heading NW slowly, winds topped 111 km/hr (min), gusts up to 157 km/hr (max), 965 hPa and steady. #weatherguyadonis @weatherguyadonz)
Update/terkini 07/08 0310UTC
Westernpacificweather - Presiden Benigno S. Aquino III dan kabinetnya menjalankan persidangan arahan dalam cahaya banjir yang berterusan yang telah menetapkan tahap tertinggi persiapan menghadapi bencana bagi 11 hari terakhir tanpa henti hujan lebat yang mempengaruhi Central Luzon, termasuk Metro Manila dan bandar-bandar dan wilayah jiran. (Westernpacificweather - President Benigno S. Aquino III and his cabinet are conducting command conference in the light of the ongoing deluge that has already set the highest degree of disaster preparedness for the last eleven (11) days of non-stop torrential rains affecting Central Luzon, to include Metro Manila and neighboring cities and provinces).
Rajah 1,0 "peringkat Banjir di Sungai Marikina di Marikina City. Penduduk memantau peningkatan arus torrents sebagai berterusan 'hujan monsun,' mencetuskan banjir yang paling berbahaya dalam sejarah Wilayah ibu negara (NCR) sejak serangan Ketsana Ribut Tropika/Ondoy, Imej 'kembali pada September 2009. Courtesy: ANC ". (Fig. 1.0 "Flood stage at Marikina River in Marikina City. Residents monitor the rising tide of torrents as continuous 'Monsoon rains,' triggered the most dangerous deluge in the history of National Capital Region (NCR) since the onslaught of Tropical Storm 'Ketsana/ONDOY,' back in September of 2009. Image Courtesy: ANC)."
Sungai Marikina telah cipta tahap peringkat banjir 18.0m, air banjir yang kini diukur 20.0m dan peningkatan. Pemindahan dipaksa kini sedang giat dijalankan. Malangnya, tiada akhir di sisi untuk hujan rekod yang tidak berhenti-henti. Tahap Tide astronomi perlu memuncak di 0600Z (0200PM-PHL), 1.5m. 0356Z (1156AM-PHL), pengukuran Tidal pada 1.2m. (Marikina River has already crested its flood stage level of 18.0m, the flood waters now measured 20.0m and rising. Forced evacuation are now underway. Sadly, no end in sight for the incessant record rainfall. Astronomical Tide level should peak at 0600Z (0200PM-PHL), 1.5m. As of 0356Z (1156AM-PHL), Tidal measurement at 1.2m).
Rajah3.0 "La Empangan Mesa tumpah air yang berlebihan, yang menyebabkan pemindahan terpaksa di sepanjang tebing sungai di seluruh Quezon City dan Manila Courtesy Imej:. ANC" (Fig. 3.0 "La Mesa Dam spills excess water, prompting forced evacuation along the river banks across Quezon City and Manila. Image Courtesy: ANC)."
PAGASA Science Garden di Quezon City telah mencatatkan besar-besaran 386 mm jumlah hujan kurang daripada 12 jam. Monsun Barat Daya (SW) yang luar biasa yang berterusan selama 11 hari (11) lepas banjir banyak kawasan-kawasan rendah di Luzon. (PAGASA Science Garden in Quezon City has recorded a massive 386 mm of total rainfall in less than 12 hrs. The Southwest (SW) Monsoon has been exceptionally persistent for the last eleven (11) days flooding much of the low-lying areas of Luzon).
Typhoon Saola death toll rises to 44 as storms hit China (Juma'at 15 Ramadan 1433) Friday 3 August 2012 . . .
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