Out of Options? 'Obama a failure, Republicans
not an alternative' . . .
RT News - 'Daripada Pilihan? 'Obama kegagalan, Republikan tidak alternatif' Demokrat Barack Obama telah secara rasmi dinamakan beliau untuk dipilih semula pada bulan November, pada hari ke-2 Konvensyen Kebangsaan Parti di North Carolina. Bekas Presiden Bill Clinton mengambil peringkat pusat untuk memuji Obama dan melanda kembali pada tuntutan Republikan bahawa dia mempunyai rekod ekonomi yang terburuk mana-mana Presiden dalam sejarah moden. Untuk maklumat lanjut, RT ceramah Lawrence Freeman, dari Majalah Kajian Perisikan Eksekutif. (Syawal, 20 @ 7 SEPTEMBER)
RT News - ‘Out of Options? 'Obama a failure, Republicans not an alternative' Barack Obama's Democrats have formally nominated him for re-election in November, during the second day of the Party's National Convention in North Carolina. Ex-President Bill Clinton took center stage to praise Obama and hit back at Republican claims that he has the worst economic record of any President in modern history. For more, RT talks to Lawrence Freeman, from Executive Intelligence Review Magazine. (Syawal, 20 @ Sept. 7)
Austerity Severity: 'Talks give little hope as debts mount' . . .
RT News - 'Keterukan Berhemat:' Ceramah memberi harapan sedikit sebagai hutang gunung' European Central Bank mempunyai pelan baru anti-krisis. Ia akan membeli bon daripada bergelut negara-negara zon Euro yang membenarkan orang-orang Greece dan Sepanyol untuk meminjam wang tunai lebih murah. Ia datang sebagai 5 kepala ekonomi terkemuka EU berada di merry-go-pusingan mesyuarat. Presiden Perancis Francois Hollande bercakap dengan PM British David Cameron hanya 2 hari selepas bertemu dengan Perdana Menteri Itali Mario Monti. Dan Canselor Jerman Angela Merkel di Madrid bagi sidang kemuncak dengan pemimpin Sepanyol Mariano Rajoy. Untuk maklumat lanjut mengenai rundingan RT tertakluk kepada Carlos Delclos, seorang ahli sosiologi di Pompeu Fabra University di Barcelona. (Syawal, 20 @ 7 SEPTEMBER)
RT News - ‘Austerity Severity: 'Talks give little hope as debts mount' The European Central Bank has a new anti-crisis plan. It will buy bonds from struggling Eurozone nations allowing the likes of Greece and Spain to borrow even more cash cheaply. It comes as the heads of the EU's five leading economies are on a merry-go-round of meetings. French President Francois Hollande is talking with British PM David Cameron just two days after meeting Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti. And the German Chancellor Angela Merkel is in Madrid for a summit with Spanish leader Mariano Rajoy. For more on the subject RT talks to Carlos Delclos, a sociologist at Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona. (Syawal, 20 @ Sept. 7)
West "adventure" in Syria may backfire in face
of the WORLD by WW3' . . .
RT News - 'Barat "pengembaraan" di Syria boleh berbalik wajah DUNIA oleh WW3' Perancis telah mula menyediakan bantuan langsung dan wang untuk kawasan yang dikawal pemberontak Syria dan bahkan mempertimbangkan untuk membekalkan senjata anti-pesawat kepada pembangkang, sumber diplomatic berkata. Geopolitik penyelidik F. William Engdahl mengatakan pasukan pemberontak Paris sokongan berjuang untuk mengenakan perintah mereka sendiri ke atas rakyat Syria. (Syawal, 20 @ 7 SEPTEMBER)
RT News - 'West "adventure" in Syria may backfire in face of the WORLD by WW3' France has started providing direct aid and money to rebel-controlled areas of Syria and is even considering supplying anti-aircraft weapons to the opposition, a diplomatic source has said. Geopolitical researcher F. William Engdahl says the rebel forces Paris is backing are fighting to impose their own order on the Syrian people. (Syawal, 20 @ Sept. 7)
Perancis untuk memberi meriam berat untuk pemberontak Syria ‘untuk menghancurkan rejim Assad' . . .
RT News - 'Perancis untuk memberi meriam berat untuk pemberontak Syria ‘untuk menghancurkan rejim Assad' Perancis sedang mempertimbangkan membekalkan meriam berat kepada pemberontak Syria untuk membantu mereka melawan pasukan Presiden Assad. Itu menurut sumber-sumber diplomatik, yang mengatakan Paris juga meningkatkan sokongan untuk pembangkang Syria untuk membantu mereka membentuk kerajaan-dalam-menunggu. (Syawal, 20 @ 7 SEPTEMBER)
RT News - ‘France to give heavy artillery to Syria rebels to 'smash Assad regime' France is considering supplying heavy artillery to the Syrian rebels to help them fight President Assad's forces. That's according to diplomatic sources, who say Paris is also stepping up support for the Syrian opposition to help them forge a government-in-waiting. (Syawal, 20 @ 7 SEPTEMBER)
US acts as Gulf guardian angel, brushes off
Bahrain protests as Iran plot . . .
RT News - 'US bertindak sebagai ‘Gulf guardian angel’, sapu keluar protes Bahrain sebagai plot Iran polis Bahrain telah menembak gas pemedih mata dan senapang patah pada demonstran Syiah. Pertempuran telah meninggalkan seseorang secara kritis cedera. Aktivis mengambil untuk jalan-jalan dalam protes hukuman penjara terhadap tokoh-tokoh. Pada hari Selasa, mahkamah rayuan Bahrain ditegakkan ayat-ayat sebanyak 20 aktivis pembangkang didapati bersalah didakwa berkomplot untuk menggulingkan kerajaan. Penunjuk perasaan Syiah menyeru untuk menamatkan apa yang mereka panggil diskriminasi oleh monarki Sunni. Pergerakan pro-reformasi bermula pada Februari tahun lepas - menindak polis telah mendakwa kira-kira 60 nyawa, dengan berpuluh-puluh ditangkap. Asia Times Wartawan Pepe Escobar berkata monarki Teluk telah diyakinkan oleh Amerika Syarikat bahawa protes didalangi oleh Iran. (Syawal, 20 @ 7 SEPTEMBER)
RT News -'US acts as Gulf guardian angel, brushes off Bahrain protests as Iran plot' Bahraini police have fired tear gas and shotguns at Shiite demonstrators. The clashes have left one person critically injured. Activists took to the streets in protest of jail sentences against prominent figures. On Tuesday, Bahrain's appeals court upheld the sentences of 20 opposition activists found guilty of allegedly plotting to overthrow the government. Shiite protesters are calling for an end to what they call discrimination by the Sunni monarchy. The pro-reform movement started in February last year - police crackdowns have claimed some 60 lives, with dozens arrested. Asia Times correspondent Pepe Escobar says Gulf monarchies were convinced by the US that the protests are masterminded by Iran. (Syawal, 20 @ 7 SEPTEMBER)
Obama's Change: ‘Killing without trial,
spying without warrant’ . . .
RT News - Obama's Change: Membunuh tanpa perbicaraan, mengintip tanpa waran Barack Obama telah dicalonkan calon presiden Parti Demokrat Amerika Syarikat, sebagai Konvensyen Kebangsaan parti gendang sehingga sokongan untuk tawaran pemilihan semula pada bulan November. Obama berkata Amerika 'benar-benar lebih baik daripada 4 tahun yang lalu, tetapi janji hutang negara yang semakin meningkat di negara ini, pengangguran dan pecah janji telah dibelenggu kempen beliau. (Syawal, 20 @ 7 SEPTEMBER)
RT News - ‘Obama's Change: Killing without trial, spying without warrant’ Barack Obama has been nominated the US Democratic presidential candidate, as the party's National Convention drums up support for his re-election bid in November. Obama said Americans were 'absolutely better off than four years ago', but the country's growing national debt, unemployment and broken promises have plagued his campaign. (Syawal, 20 @ Sept. 7)
‘France to give heavy artillery to Syria rebels to 'smash Assad regime' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gx7F4A7oStU&list=UUpwvZwUam-URkxB7g4USKpg&index=5&feature=plcp
'US acts as Gulf guardian angel, brushes off Bahrain protests as Iran plot http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3a0wjOZpf1U&list=UUpwvZwUam-URkxB7g4USKpg&index=6&feature=plcp
Obama's Change: Killing without trial, spying without warrant’ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8dleYv_isI&list=UUpwvZwUam-URkxB7g4USKpg&index=7&feature=plcp
‘Out of Options? 'Obama a failure, Republicans not an alternative' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJCH_odzwkY&list=UUpwvZwUam-URkxB7g4USKpg&index=1&feature=plcp
‘Austerity Severity: 'Talks give little hope as debts mount' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMKS8aeW2o8&list=UUpwvZwUam-URkxB7g4USKpg&index=2&feature=plcp
'West "adventure" in Syria may backfire in face of the WORLD by WW3' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOzA0z_c0rk&list=UUpwvZwUam-URkxB7g4USKpg&index=3&feature=plcp
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