Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Grexit mesti 'Tetapi Pemimpin EU buta kepada Realiti' . . .

Grexit a must 'But EU leaders blind to reality' . . .
By 1WC’sChannel | earthWatch Today 18 Syawwal/Wednesday 05, September  2012

TINJAUAN 1WC'sChannel 2012: RT News. September 5 - 'Grexit mesti tetapi pemimpin EU buta kepada realiti' Penilaian agensi Moody telah berubah pandangan Eurozone daripada stabil kepada negatif, amaran ia berhadapan sedang diturunkan. Itulah walaupun mesyuarat tidak berhenti-henti antara pemimpin EU, yang setakat ini telah gagal untuk menyampaikan apa-apa penyelesaian. Dan e-mel yang bocor menunjukkan bahawa Troika peminjam antarabangsa mahu Greece - salah satu negara yang paling dilanda hutang, untuk bekerja 6 hari seminggu dan lebih masa untuk memenuhi obligasi kewangan mereka. Morten Messerschmidt, MEP Denmark dan ahli kumpulan Kebebasan dan Demokrasi di Parlimen Eropah, percaya Yunani harus keluar dari zon Euro untuk menyelamatkan diri.

1WC’sChannel REVIEW 2012: RT News. September 5 - 'Grexit a must but EU leaders blind to reality' Moody's ratings agency has changed the Eurozone's outlook from stable to negative, warning it faces being downgraded. That's despite relentless meetings between EU leaders, which have so far failed to deliver any solutions. And a leaked email suggests that the Troika of international lenders want Greece - one of the most debt-stricken countries, to work six days a week and longer hours to fulfill their financial obligations. Morten Messerschmidt, Danish MEP and member of the Freedom and Democracy group in the European Parliament, believes Greeks should exit the Eurozone to save themselves.

Sebuah video mengejutkan apa yang boleh berlaku semasa kejatuhan ekonomi 2012. (An shocking video of what could happen during a economic collapse in 2012).

(1 of 7) - Armageddon, Apocalypse, Disaster, Collapse Preparedness 

(2 of 7) - Armageddon, Apocalypse, Disaster, Collapse Preparedness 

(3 of 7) - Armageddon, Apocalypse, Disaster, Collapse Preparedness 

(4 of 7) - Armageddon, Apocalypse, Disaster, Collapse Preparedness 

(6 of 7) - Armageddon, Apocalypse, Disaster, Collapse Preparedness 

Greece is bankrupt. Full stop. Game over'

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Euro Crisis - What is Happening and Why ??? 2012 Update 

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Forbes Article:

Grexit a must but EU leaders blind to reality

Economic Collapse Scenario - December 2012

EU small enterprises starving of funds':

Biderman's Daily Edge: Is China in Recession?

European Countries In Recession 2012:

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