'Greece is bankrupt. Full stop. Game over' . . .
TINJAUAN 1WC'sChannel 2012: (RT.News 56 minit lalu) 'Greece bankrap. Permainan tamat Noktah (Full stop)' Ia 'masalah masa ' untuk Greece sekarang - pemimpin Jerman dan Presiden Perancis bekerja keluar sama ada untuk memberikan Athens 'ruang bernafas' ia mengatakan ia perlu untuk menyusun kewangan keluar. Negara yang telah bergantung kepada pinjaman antarabangsa selama lebih 2 tahun, tetapi bergelut untuk memenuhi syarat-syarat bailout. Sementara itu, sekutu Canselor Merkel di Berlin mengatakan 'keluar Yunani tidak akan mempunyai kesan yang besar' di zon Euro'. Pelaburan penasihat Patrick Young berkata, sama ada pada bukan Greece disediakan dengan lebih banyak masa, tidak ada peluang ia akan menguruskan untuk mendapatkan ekonomi kembali ke landasan dalam zon Euro.
1WC’sChannel REVIEW 2012: (RT.News 56 minutes ago) 'Greece is bankrupt. Full stop. Game over' It's 'crunch time' for Greece right now - the German leader and French president are working out whether to grant Athens the 'breathing space' it says it needs to sort its finances out. The country's been relying on international loans for over two years, but is struggling to meet its bailout conditions. Meanwhile, Chancellor Merkel's allies in Berlin say 'a Greek exit wouldn't have a 'great impact' on the Eurozone'. Investment advisor Patrick Young says, whether on not Greece is provided with more time, there's no chance it'll manage to get its economy back on track within the Eurozone.
Keruntuhan Ekonomi 2012 . . .
Keruntuhan Ekonomi 2012 - Adakah kita menuju ke Amerika Syarikat atau keruntuhan ekonomi di seluruh DUNIA? Tiada siapa yang benar-benar tahu dengan pasti, tetapi tanda-tanda di sekeliling kita bahawa sesuatu yang serius yang tidak kena dalam ekonomi kebanyakan negara-negara di DUNIA. Apa yang kebanyakan semua negara utama di DUNIA telah mendapat diri mereka ke dalam adalah satu keadaan di mana mereka tidak boleh membayar bil-bil mereka, seperti yang terbukti oleh semasa Presiden Obama Barack kami membelanjakan $1.3 trillion lebih setiap tahun daripada kita mengambil masuk masalah yang sama adalah jelas di dalam Greece di mana kadar pengangguran mereka adalah 22.5% peratus dan hutang tahunan mereka pada tahun 2011 adalah 355 billion Euro. Dan ini adalah semua dalam ekonomi yang hanya saiz ekonomi Ft Worth kawasan Dallas di Texas.
Dengan kadar pengangguran Yunani sebanyak 22%, peratus yang mencipta situasi di mana hasil cukai ke tahap di mana hutang mereka tidak boleh membayar balik. Walaupun ramai orang yang mendesak untuk perkhidmatan kerajaan dibiayai sosial, resit cukai untuk membiayai perkhidmatan mereka semakin berkurangan. Dan di Amerika Syarikat, sedang mengalami keadaan seperti ini juga. Sebagai contoh, statistik sekarang menunjukkan bahawa Jun lalu ramai orang menyertai barisan orang kurang upaya daripada menyertai barisan yang bekerja. Dan lagi, kita mempunyai Presiden Obama naif bahawa sekurang-kurangnya umum, difikirkan kita berada dalam beberapa jenis pemulihan ekonomi.
Kami menghadapi bencana, bencana mutlak jika ahli-ahli politik seperti Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi dan Republikan buta di sisi lain lorong enggan untuk menghadapi realiti titik statistik tersebut. Bayangkan 4 lebih tahun pemulihan hantu ini. Lihat pautan dalam huraian di bawah untuk rujukan cerita-cerita yang disebutkan dalam video ini . . .
Economic Collapse 2012 . . .
Economic Collapse 2012 - Are we heading for a United States or worldwide economic collapse? No one really knows for sure, but the signs are all around us that something is seriously amiss in the economies of most of the nations of the world. What most all leading nations in the world have gotten themselves into is a situation where they can't pay their bills, as is evident by our current president Barack Obama spending $1.3 trillion more every year than we take in. The same problems are evident in Greece where their unemployment rate is 22.5% and their yearly debt in 2011 was 355 billion Euros. And this is all in an economy that is only the size of the economy of the Dallas Ft Worth area in Texas.
With an Greek unemployment rate of 22%, that creates a situation where tax revenues are down to a level where their debt can never be paid back. While more people are clamoring for government funded social services, the tax receipts to fund those services is decreasing. And in the United States we are experiencing situation like this as well. For example, statistics now show that this past June more people joined the ranks of the disabled than joined the ranks of the employed. And yet, we have a naive President Obama that at least publicly, thinks we are in some kind of an economic recovery.
We face disaster, absolute disaster if politicians like Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and blind republicans on the other side of the aisle refuse to face the reality such statistics point to. Just imagine 4 more years of this phantom recovery. See the links in the description below to reference the stories mentioned in this video . . .
GOD ALMIGHTY SAYS IN THE HOLY QURAN: 'And there is none from the People of the Scripture but that he will surely believe in Jesus before his death. And on the Day of Resurrection he will be against them a witness'. (Surah An 'Nisa 4: 159)
Al 'Bukhari narrated from Abu Hurairah Radhiya'Allahu Anhu (peace be on him). Prophet (Muhammad) SAID (peace and blessings Of God be on him).
'By GOD THAT GRIPS MY SOUL. SOON JESUS Son Of Maryam Will Come Down to YOU As A Fair JUDGE.
(1) HE Will Break Crosses,
(2) Kill Swine, and
(3) ABOLISH the TAX (CANCEL The TAX) And (then) ABUNDANT WEALTH, So No One is Willing to RECEIVE Zakat and Bow Down to one is better than his Whole WORLD! (Narrated by Muslim in the Book Of Faith Hadith 220)
Brother & Sister WholeWORLD 'We are living in a time when the Corrupt are displayed as the Wise People & Wise People as the Corrupt. When The Rich get Richer and the Poor stay Poor'. With this Message I will attempt explain one Of the Signs from God & The Mystery Surrounding us.
Message20121WORLD: ‘2012 Not the End Of the WORLD’ . . . but BILLIONS might DIE!!!
Do not wait for 21. December 2012. Prepare!!! Nibiru near, Extreme Wether, Earth Changes, Mystery Universe, Wild sun, . . . . . . Coming disaster, march, April, may, june, july . . . . . . . August/Ramadan to September/Syawwal?!!!
If U have Enough room, offer Some friends into your Safe Room. People Who do Not believe In What is going to happen Will Not do Anything and Will perish In the Night not Knowing What to do. We have to face Reality and try to Save Ourselves And Each Other If Our Species Wants to live on. Scientists are trying to think Of things save people, but until something comes up We are On Our Own. Do not leave it to late. There Is A Small line between life and death, we either live or die . . . the Question: Can We Survice and most likely see another Stone Age? If 'U' Survive: Electrical appliances etc Will be down . . . Make the decision to Start planning On What to do . . . For there Is Only 2 Option, life or death . . .
(Remember) There Is No Way We Can Stop this from Happening!!!
Should you be prepared for Economic Collapse?
Forbes Article:
Doomsday Preppers (1 of 7) - Armageddon, Apocalypse, Disaster, Collapse Preparedness http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RP2aYHzfN0
Doomsday Preppers (2 of 7) - Armageddon, Apocalypse, Disaster, Collapse Preparedness http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xTIndGN7ws
Doomsday Preppers (3 of 7) - Armageddon, Apocalypse, Disaster, Collapse Preparedness http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97HeI0UDAmA
Doomsday Preppers (4 of 7) - Armageddon, Apocalypse, Disaster, Collapse Preparedness http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iq_mGl9YVIk&feature=relmfu
Doomsday Preppers (6 of 7) - Armageddon, Apocalypse, Disaster, Collapse Preparedness http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aB_6IT1qxc&feature=relmfu
'Greece is bankrupt. Full stop. Game over' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMh212-6cxg&feature=plcp
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